At 23:15 on 29 Sep 2013, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
>On 9/29/13 8:34 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:
>> Hi Dossy,
>> what David wrote may be illustrated by this example
>> [...]
>Thanks!   This is interesting ... the voice staff is rendered above the
>chord name and fretboards.  In the arrangement I'm working on, I want
>the chord names, then freboards, then the voice staff and then the
>piano accompaniment.  Specifically, this is right out of my .ly file:
>\book {
>  \score {
>    \new PianoStaff <<
>      \new Staff \PianoRHMusicIntro
>      \new Staff \PianoLHMusicIntro
>    >>
>  }
>  \score {
>    <<
>      \set Score.currentBarNumber = #5
>      \new ChordNames \GuitarChords
>      \new FretBoards \GuitarChords
>      \new Voice = "melody" \VoiceMusic
>      \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody \VoiceLyrics
>      \new PianoStaff <<
>        \new Staff \PianoRHMusic
>        \new Staff \PianoLHMusic
>      >>
>    >>
>    %\layout { \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } }
>  }
>This (visually) gives me *exactly* what I want.  Your example, even if
>I rearrange the order of the elements so that ChordNames is first, then
>FretBoards, etc., it still renders the first Voice staff first ...

Whether or not you need to do this for the layout you require, you can
always have a separate score block for midi output. i.e. just append to
your file something like:

\score {
    { s1*4 \VoiceMusic }
    { \PianoRHMusicIntro \PianoRHMusic }
    { \PianoLHMusicIntro \PianoLHMusic }
  \midi { }

Mark Knoop

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