ryanmichaelmcclure <ryanmichaelmccl...@gmail.com> writes:

> Allow me to clarify that in no way did I intend for the Stack Exchange
> page to replace this list. It would have been purely an addition of
> resources.
> For me, the purpose of the Stack Exchange page is about accessibility
> to those who are 1) not familiar with LilyPond or 2) not familiar with
> mailing lists.

So those who are not familiar with LilyPond should talk among each other
in order to figure things out and in that manner _increase_ the quality
of support?  Or what does "purely an addition of resources" mean?

> I don't want to see anyone stop using LilyPond because they couldn't
> get help.  Blaming them because they don't understand how mailing
> lists works isn't a good solution.

My 79-year old mother is able to send and receive electronic mail, and
she has not mastered copy&paste (if she needs to rearrange something,
she prints it out and types off the smaller part in the right place.
Yes, I tried teaching her, but after she opened one document, typed C-x
on the whole of it (several days of work), exited the word processor,
started the mail program, and C-y did not paste into the mail, she
stopped trying to dabble with the devil).

> ...I'm not trying to spark controversy, I'm simply trying to help out
> the community.

Like so many proposals, I have the distinct impression that people are
trying to fix stuff that isn't broken, based on some mythical conception
of an idiot who could not possibly get anything done in any different

David Kastrup

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