On 11/05/2013 03:08 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com> writes:

But I think what you really want is a music function:

\version "2.17.29"

boo =
      (parser location the-music)
      \override NoteHead.color = #red
      \revert NoteHead.color

\relative c' { c4 d e f \boo { g a b } c d e }
For such fixed override/revert pairings you should write
\temporary\override in the music function instead of just \override:
otherwise any previous \override NoteHead.color = #blue will get
overwritten and not get restored afterwards.

You rock!  This forum rocks!  Lilypond rocks!

That said:  how do I parametrize \boo ?

With the color as parameter, for example, for something like:

c4 d e f \boo #'red { g a b } c d e f8 g \boo #'blue { b d a4 d } dis e fis

I realize I'm completely clueless about the syntax

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