Stjepan Horvat <> writes:

> ok..
> i would want to insert the tempo one time..inside the header block..and
> that it would apply to other tempo variables..
> \header {
> bpm = "123"
> }
> \relative c' {
>   \tempo = \bpm "%the header bpm variable
>  c'4
> }

First: it is impossible to guess what you want here since \tempo = "123"
would not be a valid command, and neither would be \tempo = 123.

Second: why do you have bpm defined inside of \header?  Header variables
are not visible in the score.

I just tried
bpm = 123

\relative c' {
  \tempo 4 = \bpm "%the header bpm variable

and found out that variables are not permitted in this place.  Which is
probably an oversight rather than anything intentional.  Feel free to
file a bug report.  It might be quite simpler, however, just to write

bpm = \tempo 4 = 123

\relative c' {

And can you _please_ _please_ _please_ stop appending the whole thing
you are replying to at the bottom of your mails?

David Kastrup

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