Stjepan Horvat <> writes:

> I'm sorry for'm using gmail's default settings.

Gmail's default setting is _not_ to secretly append all of an old
posting to your new mail.

Gmail's default setting is to _quote_ the old mail into your new mail
buffer when you make a reply so that you can write replies to the parts
as they are needed as context, and delete the rest, just like I am doing

> Your right about \tempo = is a typo..
> I defind my custom header..and i wanted to have some kind of tempo inside
> my before i had my custom header i used poet variable for
> it..but becouse i now have my own custom header i defined my own varible
> names that have meanning to what they are reflecting..
> this is why my variable is inside header..

Non sequitur.  \header variables typically describe stuff used in page

> do i have to make a global variable to be seen in both header and
> score blok?


> so image i have made a custom variable bpm = "123" i would like to
> include it in the header block AND in the score block..(this is where the
> string number conflict comes)

The \header block can perfectly well contain numeric variables.  That
the \header variable "title" does not interpret numbers is not terribly
surprising, at least not to me.  It still _accepts_ setting the
variable, and one can read it out again.  It's just the titling itself
that wants to see a string here.

David Kastrup

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