
2013/11/27 Noeck <noeck.marb...@gmx.de>:
> Hi
> Just a quick but honest thank you from my side to all of you for
> improving the out-of-the-box quality, tweaking-possibilities (e.g.
> \shape) and simplifications for users (e.g. the.dot.syntax instead of #')!

You're welcome!  And i join the acknowledgements for the stuff that
was contributed by others :-)

> I think, the blog posts show that there is still room for improvements
> to the automatic typesetting (I am thinking about vertical and
> horizontal spacing, the latter especially for triplets and many other
> points Janek mentioned). I would be interested, if you could classify
> the tweaks needed for the Fried songs?
> Something like: note-spacing, default slurs, broken slurs, very special
> slurs, lyrics shifts, … How many did you need for every kind? And how
> many could (in principle) be solved by a more clever automatic behaviour
> (just a rough guess)?

There are two posts with statistics in the pipelines :-)
In general, i think that at least in half of the cases that needed
tweaking it should be possible to improve automatic formatting so that
LilyPond would solve these problems herself (but it may not be easy).


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