Daniel Rosen <drosen27 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> My problem is the one documented at http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/
> Looking over that issue, I see that multiple people have offered monies on 
multiple occasions (as
> recently as a month ago, in fact) for it to be resolved, but that no one 
has taken it up yet. What's the best
> workaround in the meantime?
Often each staff has different dynamics in piano music.
I leave out the Dynamics context, indicating dynamics on notes or
spacer rests in a temporary parallel sequence 
 { c1\p << d2 {s4.\< s8\> <>\!} >> e2 }

To space the dynamics form the staff,
 \override PianoStaff.DynamicLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #2.5 
and in the lower staff

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