Hi Keith,

> Often each staff has different dynamics in piano music.
> I leave out the Dynamics context, indicating dynamics on notes or
> spacer rests in a temporary parallel sequence 
> { c1\p << d2 {s4.\< s8\> <>\!} >> e2 }
> To space the dynamics form the staff,
> \override PianoStaff.DynamicLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #2.5 
> and in the lower staff
> \dynamicUp 

I used to do this (many versions ago), but found that the dynamics never 
centered exactly (i.e., didn’t line up "when they were supposed to”), and the 
extra space never compressed effectively (as per, for example, 

Has this changed in recent versions?
i.e., are you now 100% satisfied with the output you’re getting with regard to 

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