Hi Trevor,

2013/12/6 Trevor Daniels <t.dani...@treda.co.uk>:
> David Kastrup wrote Thursday, December 05, 2013 5:48 PM
>> We need to figure out how we can provide "style sheets", similar to how
>> LaTeX makes it possible to define "document classes" (layout definitions
>> and tools) and "packages" (raw functionality packaged into coherent
>> interfaces).
> A simpler approach would be to embed templates into LP so that they
> could just be invoked.  The template would provide the context structure
> of a particular type of score, and also define the variables needed.  All
> the (new) users would need to do would be to override the values of the
> variables with their own music.
> You can try this now by simply using \include.  Two \include's are needed:
> one which goes at the top of the file to define and set up the default
> values of the variables and one which goes at the bottom of the file to
> define the context structure.  A real example using a template which
> provides an SATB choir on two staves with lyrics between them and
> a piano staff with accompaniment is attached.  I've left out the two
> include files, but you can easily image what they contain.  You'll see this
> is a really easy interface for a new user, as all the complication is
> provided by the included file.
> A nice feature is that any context left without input is not printed, so the
> same template could be used for SA and piano, just piano, a variable
> number of verses, etc.

I very much like it!

Could you add it to

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