On 22 Dec 2013, at 06:56, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:

> I also support this request.  Another reason is that in many parts of
> percussion instruments, say, there is `tacet' for a very long time,
> e.g. from rehearsal number 20 to 76.  A potential new implementation
> of \compressFullBarRests (or a variant as suggested by David K.)
> should allow compression of everything (including measure changes!)
> into a single MM rest to span these two rehearsal numbers.

as a victim of such parts (orchestral bass trombone), this shouldn't be the 
default behavior. I've had such parts, and it is REALLY annoying when your part 
jumps from say mark G to mark Q (with 137 bars rest) and the conductor asks for 
the rehearsal to start 3 bars before P. unless you _know_ how many bars P has 
or _exactly_ when you're supposed to come in, such parts are useless. 

If this becomes default behavior, please leave an option to keep it working as 
it does now.

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