On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Joshua Nichols
<josh.d.nich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I figured I'd wait till 2.18.0 to see if something magical occurred, but now
> I know for sure...
> When I use the snippet:
> #(define fonts
> (make-pango-font-tree "Linux Libertine G"
> "Nimbus Sans"
> "Luxi Mono"
> (/ myStaffSize 20)))
> On my Mac (which is Snow Leopard) I do not get "Linux Libertine" but some
> sans serif font (I imagine it is Nimbus Sans).
> I promise I have the font installed, and (for some reason) I remember it
> worked a while ago... but now I have no clue.
> It works properly with Windows machines (both of my work machines are
> windows) and have shown no signs of error. I also tried installing the font
> from the source, (it was under "Linux Libertine O") and tried it too. I did
> try the TTF version as well; alas, to no avail.
> I imagine this may be an internal thing (with respect to my personal
> computer) but was wondering anyone if ya'll had any thoughts in regard to
> this matter. It would also be nice to know if there is a clear cut way to
> change the default internal fonts to LilyPond (when I see all the developer
> jargon, I get all fuzzy and dizzy).
> See attached for default output when I run it through my Mac.
> Sincerely,
> Josh

I've experienced the same issue before. Is the font installed at the
User level or at the Computer level? I seem to recall that it has to
be at the Computer level. I also think you might need to use something
like LinLibertine as the font name...I'll have to go back later and
look at the scores I've done using Linux Libertine O. (and is "Linux
Libertine G" above a typo or really what you have in your score? In
which case you may have your problem).


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