Joshua Nichols <> schrieb:
>Thanks to Kieren, David, and Phil for your responses. Kieren, that was
>fantastic snippet.
>I guess I would be willing to help, but I have no where to begin to
>that process. I would love to come up with some documentation on
>contemporary music, but it seems that LilyPond does convential stuff
>well, in contrast to contemporary music which takes heavy tweaking and
>coding to accomplish it.
>So, if there is something I can do to help out with the documentation,
>me know!

Maybe a good start would be to set up a place and collect things that _you_ 
would like to have. Once that is in place others can add items or solutions.

Maybe something like a Wiki where you can also upload scanned images?

>On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 5:14 AM, Kieren MacMillan <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Josh,
>> > I was wondering if any "examples" of contemporary notation were
>> going to be put in the documentation. I know there is a spot for
>that, and
>> when I've checked back several stable versions, and alas... nothing.
>> As others have pointed out, we [the community] need to step up and
>> that gap.
>> > Perhaps fractional time signatures, like "3/3, or 3/(dotted
>> Here’s something I’ve been using:
>> \version "2.17"
>> tsModern =
>> #(define-music-function
>>   (parser location dur)
>>   (ly:duration?)
>>     #{
>>       \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil =
>> #ly:text-interface::print
>>       \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'text =
>>         \markup \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5) \center-column {
>>           \number #(number->string (car (ly:duration-factor dur)))
>>           \note-by-number #(ly:duration-log dur)
>> dur) #DOWN }
>>       \time #(cons (ly:moment-main-numerator (ly:duration-length
>>           (ly:moment-main-denominator (ly:duration-length dur)))
>>     #})
>> theMusic = {
>>  \tsModern 16.*7 R16.*7 |
>>  \tsModern 4*3 R4*3 |
>>  \tsModern 16*12 R4*3 |
>>  \tsModern 32*5 R32*5 |
>> }
>> \score { \theMusic }
>> Hope this helps!
>> Kieren.
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Urs Liska

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