
On 2014-01-12 02:21, Paul Morris wrote:
Hi Phil, I'm replying to the whole list so others can also benefit from our

snip . .

And if you want to take this a step further... the way I do it with
Clairnote[1] is to define a custom staff context called "StaffClairnote"
that contains all the modifications.  This snippet shows how:
(click the image to see the code that generated it)

Then I save that custom staff definition in a separate file that I include at the beginning of my sheet music files like this (.ily just indicates a
.ly file that's meant for including like this):

\include "clairnote.ily"

Then I can just use:

\new PianoStaff
\new StaffClairnote { \upper }
\new StaffClairnote { \lower }

OK, got that working - the actual music .ly "data" file is slimming down now - but I still need to investigate why some notes needed manual editing so they were in the right place when I converted a Mutopia file.

Another benefit to this approach is that if you should make a change to the alternative notation, you can just make it in the include file in one place, instead of having to make the same change in all of your sheet music files.

Yes, in the great tradition of include files - now to get to grips more with Scheme itself . .

Thanks yet again!


Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW      2001

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