> I think the best solution for me now is to use the method described in
> the manual :
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/techniques-specific-to-lyrics#polyphony-with-shared-lyrics
> and to manually build and tailor the NullVoice to have proper extenders.
> I prefer this method over the other (modifying associatedVoice within
> the lyrics).
> Now I wonder if by chance there is a possibility to automatically
> "build" the "aligner" voice, but I think it is quite complicated (too
> much for me now, at least !)

Hello again :)

I have a problem with the code below, lilypond gives me errors with
the two scheme expressions.

 \version "2.18.0"

 correctionAlignement = ##t
 aligner = \relative c' { g'4. g8 c,4( c) | }
 lyrics = \lyricmode { Glo -- ri -- a __ }

   \new Staff <<
     \new Voice = "melodie" \relative c'{ \voiceOne g'4. g8 c,2 | | }
     \new Voice = "alto" \relative c' { \voiceTwo c4 bes c2 | }
     #(cond ((eq? correctionAlignement #t)
       (#{ \new NullVoice = "aligner" \aligner #})))
   #(if (eq? correctionAlignement #t)
     (#{ \new Lyrics \lyricsto "aligner" $lyrics #})
     (#{ \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodie" $lyrics #}))

Can someone tell me why ?
Thanks in advance ! :)


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