Hi Yann,

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 8:27 AM, Yann <yann....@free.fr> wrote:

> I have a problem with the code below, lilypond gives me errors with
> the two scheme expressions.
>  \version "2.18.0"
>  correctionAlignement = ##t
>  aligner = \relative c' { g'4. g8 c,4( c) | }
>  lyrics = \lyricmode { Glo -- ri -- a __ }
>  <<
>    \new Staff <<
>      \new Voice = "melodie" \relative c'{ \voiceOne g'4. g8 c,2 | | }
>      \new Voice = "alto" \relative c' { \voiceTwo c4 bes c2 | }
>      #(cond ((eq? correctionAlignement #t)
>        (#{ \new NullVoice = "aligner" \aligner #})))
>    >>
>    #(if (eq? correctionAlignement #t)
>      (#{ \new Lyrics \lyricsto "aligner" $lyrics #})
>      (#{ \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodie" $lyrics #}))
>  >>
> Can someone tell me why ?
> Thanks in advance ! :)

Looks to be simply a problem with too many parentheses.

Try this:

 \version "2.18.0"

 correctionAlignement = ##t

aligner = \relative c' { g'4. g8 c,4( c) | }

lyric = \lyricmode { Glo -- ri -- a __ }


  \new Staff <<

    \new Voice = "melodie" \relative c'{ \voiceOne g'4. g8 c,2 | | }

    \new Voice = "alto" \relative c' { \voiceTwo c4 bes c2 | }

    #(cond ((eq? correctionAlignement #t)

      #{ \new NullVoice = "aligner" \aligner #}))


  #(if (eq? correctionAlignement #t)

       #{ \new Lyrics \lyricsto "aligner" $lyric #}

       #{ \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodie" $lyric #})


I renamed your "lyrics" to avoid the warning about use of a reserved word.

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