
I have a questions: Why are the hyphens between the syllables sysllables
by itself with a text of "-"?
I don't know, if this actually looks like you wish, but I think, you
will come closer, if you use hyphens and melismata (see attached)


On 24.02.2014 05:53, Antara-Prabhat Kalajian wrote:
> I am having trouble with the spacing of the lyrics on this score.
> The straight words (Bengali language) are: Ajanar maha parichoy
> But perhaps because of the bar lines, 
> the syllables are being spaced very far apart, 
> so that the words are no longer recognizable (in most instances).
> As you can see, I've manually inserted a bar and break of my own. 
> Perhaps my method could be improved upon, 
> but this makes the typeset score appear the way I want.

\version "2.18.0"
\include "english.ly"

melody =
\relative bf' {
  \key df \major
  \autoBeamOff % I prefer manual beaming for vocal music, but nowadays its a matter of taste
  gf'8[ ff] ef[ df] ef2 c8[\melisma df] ef2.\melismaEnd df8[\melisma c] bf2.\melismaEnd  % \bar "" \break % why \bar "" ?
  gf8[\melisma af] bf[ c] ~ c2~ | c\melismaEnd ef,8[\melisma f!] bf[ af]\melismaEnd gf1
text =
\lyricmode {
  % you canb change these to your needs
  % and you can place it in the layout block ( \context { \Lyrics ... } )
  \override LyricHyphen.dash-period = #5
  \override LyricHyphen.length = #.5
  A -- ja -- nar ma -- ha __
  pa -- ri -- choy

    \new Voice = "one" {
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
  \layout { }
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