Dear Esteemed Lilypond Users,

I am having trouble with the spacing of the lyrics on this score.
The straight words (Bengali language) are: Ajanar maha parichoy
But perhaps because of the bar lines, 
the syllables are being spaced very far apart, 
so that the words are no longer recognizable (in most instances).
As you can see, I've manually inserted a bar and break of my own. 
Perhaps my method could be improved upon, 
but this makes the typeset score appear the way I want.

Thank you for any suggestions!

\version "2.18.0"
\include ""

melody =
        \relative bf' {
        \key df \major

gf'8 [ff] ef df ef2 c8 df ef2. df8 c bf2. \bar "" \break
gf8 [af] bf c ~ c1 ef,8 [f!] bf af gf1 }

text = \lyricmode {
A - ja - nar ma - - -ha __ _ _
pa - - - -ri - - - choy }

    \new Voice = "one" {
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
  \layout { } }

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