It's not fully clear what you mean yet, but it sounds that you might be _much_ 
better off when you simply create different .ly files with "scores" just 
displaying the voices you want.


Joachim Jablon <> schrieb am 06.04.2014:
>Le 06/04/2014 14:44, David Kastrup a écrit :
>> Manipulating LilyPond files is not trivial, and your description is
>> at all useful for figuring out what "remove some parts" is even
>> supposed to mean.
>> You might want to do your removal operation while still in MusicXML
>> using some standard XML manipulation tool, and only then convert to
>> LilyPond.
>I'm sing in a choir, and I'd like to offer members the opportunity to 
>download pdfs and mp3s of both the whole song we're working on, or only
>one (or more) voice. Each voice is a staff, so I'd like to be able to 
>list the names of the staffs, and remove all but one.
>So, yes, as you suggested, I should be able to :
>1) Edit the XML using standard xml tools
>2) make it a .ly file using the lilypond script
>3) make it a beautiful partition using lilypond :)
>I thought I would use a python lib that would manage the MusicXML part 
>for me, but in the end, MusicXML is just XML, so I'll be able to do it 
>Thank you !

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