Richard Shann <> writes:

> On Fri, 2014-07-11 at 18:11 +0100, James wrote:
>> On 11/07/14 18:00, Richard Shann wrote:
>> > It is somewhat embarrassing to reply to one's own question but:
>> >
>> > \defineBarLine "|" #'("|" "|" "|")
>> >
>> > does the trick.
>> >
>> > Richard
>> So do we need to improve the documentation?
>> If so, what do you suggest?
> Well, clearly
> "This and other special bar lines may be inserted manually at any point
> where they make good sense in terms of good music typesetting practice."
> would be an truer.

No, that's evasive handwaving amounting to "this may not work".  More
appropriate is something like "At which of several possible places
(start of score, end of line, start of line) a particular bar line will
appear is further determined by ..."

David Kastrup

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