On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> wrote:

Or send me the latest version of the file.



Here's the newest version of "font.scm". I decided to create my own function after all so that make-pango-font-tree (at least from the user's perspective) follows the same syntax, it is only changed under the covers. I'm sure this will trip people up, though, so we'll need to discuss an appropriate solution for that. It doesn't make much sense to me to have all these different functions available that all kind of do the same thing, but behave slightly different from each other. That will only confuse people.

The function "add-music-fonts" still needs to be modified for all this to work.

I call my function (drum roll, please...): "set-global-fonts". It's different in that ALL the font choices are optional, keyword arguments. Thus, if I only want to change the notation font, that's all I need to specify. Here's a minimal example showing all the optional, keyword arguments (and you can't just put in the string values! They MUST be preceded by the key identifier, but any and all can be omitted):

\version "2.18.2"
\include "english.ly"

\paper {
 #(define fonts
     #:music "lilyjazz"
     #:brace "gonville"
     #:roman "lilyjazztext"
     #:sans "FreeSans"
     #:typewriter "Inconsolata"
     #:factor 1 ; should this EVER NOT be 1?

\header {
 #(set-default-paper-size "a6landscape")
 piece = "Music Sample for Testing"

sffz = #(make-dynamic-script "sffz")

sampleMusic = \relative c'' {
 a4\sffz \startTrillSpan bf8 ( \stopTrillSpan
 cs16\prallprall <c! e,>32\accent \arpeggio )

\score {
 \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff { \clef treble \sampleMusic }
   \new Staff { \clef bass \transpose c' f, \sampleMusic }
 \layout {}

\markup { \sans { Here's some Sans text, \roman { Roman text, } \typewriter "and Monospaced text" } }

Let me know what you think!

;;;; This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter.
;;;; Copyright (C) 2004--2012 Han-Wen Nienhuys <han...@xs4all.nl>
;;;; LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;;; LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;; along with LilyPond.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;; TODO:
;; lookup-font should be written in  C.

;; We have a tree, where each level of the tree is a qualifier
;; (eg. encoding, family, shape, series etc.)  this defines the levels
;; in the tree.  The first one is encoding, so we can directly select
;; between text or music in the first step of the selection.
(define default-qualifier-order
  '(font-encoding font-family font-shape font-series))

(define-class <Font-tree-element>

(define-class <Font-tree-leaf> (<Font-tree-element>)
  (default-size #:init-keyword #:default-size)
  (size-vector  #:init-keyword #:size-vector))

(define-class <Font-tree-node> (<Font-tree-element>)
  (qualifier #:init-keyword #:qualifier  #:accessor font-qualifier)
  (default #:init-keyword #:default #:accessor font-default)
  (children #:init-keyword #:children #:accessor font-children))

(define (make-font-tree-leaf size size-font-vector)
  (make <Font-tree-leaf> #:default-size size #:size-vector size-font-vector))

(define (make-font-tree-node
         qualifier default)
  (make <Font-tree-node>
    #:qualifier qualifier
    #:default default
    #:children (make-hash-table 11)))

(define-method (display (leaf <Font-tree-leaf>) port)
  (for-each (lambda (x) (display x port))
             (slot-ref leaf 'default-size)
             (slot-ref leaf 'size-vector)

(define-method (display (node <Font-tree-node>) port)
   (lambda (x)
     (display x port))
    "Font_node {\nqual: "
    (font-qualifier node)
    "(def: "
    (font-default node)
    ") {\n"))
   (lambda (x)
     (display "\n")
     (display (car x) port)
     (display "=" port)
     (display (cdr x) port))
   (hash-table->alist (font-children node)))
  (display "} }\n"))

(define-method (add-font (node <Font-tree-node>) fprops size-family)
  (define (assoc-delete key alist)
    (assoc-remove! (list-copy alist) key))

  (define (make-node fprops size-family)
    (if (null? fprops)
        (make-font-tree-leaf (car size-family) (cdr size-family))
        (let* ((qual (next-qualifier default-qualifier-order fprops)))
          (make-font-tree-node qual
                               (assoc-get qual fprops)))))

  (define (next-qualifier order props)
     ((and (null? props) (null? order))
     ((null? props) (car order))
     ((null? order) (caar props))
      (if (assoc-get (car order) props)
          (car order)
          (next-qualifier (cdr order) props)))))

  (let* ((q (font-qualifier node))
         (d (font-default node))
         (v (assoc-get q fprops d))
         (new-fprops (assoc-delete q fprops))
         (child (hashq-ref (slot-ref node 'children)
                           v #f)))
    (if (not child)
          (set! child (make-node new-fprops size-family))
          (hashq-set! (slot-ref node 'children) v child)))
    (if (pair? new-fprops)
        (add-font child new-fprops size-family))))

(define-method (add-font (node <Font-tree-leaf>) fprops size-family)
  (throw "must add to node, not leaf"))

(define-method (g-lookup-font (node <Font-tree-node>) alist-chain)
  (let* ((qual (font-qualifier node))
         (def (font-default node))
         (val (chain-assoc-get qual alist-chain def))
         (desired-child (hashq-ref (font-children node) val)))

    (if desired-child
        (g-lookup-font desired-child alist-chain)
        (g-lookup-font (hashq-ref (font-children node) def) alist-chain))))

(define-method (g-lookup-font (node <Font-tree-leaf>) alist-chain)

;; two step call is handy for debugging.
(define (lookup-font node alist-chain)
  (g-lookup-font node alist-chain))

;; TODO - we could actually construct this by loading all OTFs and
;; inspecting their design size fields.
(define-public feta-design-size-mapping
  '((11 . 11.22)
    (13 . 12.60)
    (14 . 14.14)
    (16 . 15.87)
    (18 . 17.82)
    (20 . 20)
    (23 . 22.45)
    (26 . 25.20)))

;; Each size family is a vector of fonts, loaded with a delay.  The
;; vector should be sorted according to ascending design size.
(define-public (add-music-fonts node family name brace design-size-alist factor)
  "Set up music fonts.

@var{node} is the font tree to modify.

@var{family} is the family name of the music font.

@var{name} is the basename for the music font.
@file{@var{name}-<designsize>.otf} should be the music font,

@var{brace} is the basename for the brace font.
@file{@var{brace}-brace.otf} should have piano braces.

@var{design-size-alist} is a list of @code{(rounded . designsize)}.
@code{rounded} is a suffix for font filenames, while @code{designsize}
should be the actual design size.  The latter is used for text fonts
loaded through pango/@/fontconfig.

@var{factor} is a size factor relative to the default size that is being
used.  This is used to select the proper design size for the text fonts.
@end itemize"
   (lambda (x)
     (add-font node
               (list (cons 'font-encoding (car x))
                     (cons 'font-family family))
               (cons (* factor (cadr x))
                     (caddr x))))

   `((fetaText ,(ly:pt 20.0)
                 (map (lambda (tup)
                        (cons (ly:pt (cdr tup))
                              (format #f "~a-~a ~a"
                                      (car tup)
                                      (ly:pt (cdr tup)))))
     (fetaMusic ,(ly:pt 20.0)
                  (map (lambda (size-tup)
                         (delay (ly:system-font-load
                                 (format #f "~a-~a" name (car size-tup)))))
     (fetaBraces ,(ly:pt 20.0)
                 #(,(delay (ly:system-font-load
                            (format #f "~a-brace" brace)))))

(define-public (add-pango-fonts node lily-family family factor)
  ;; Synchronized with the `text-font-size' variable in
  ;; layout-set-absolute-staff-size-in-module (see paper.scm).
  (define text-font-size (ly:pt (* factor 11.0)))

  (define (add-node shape series)
    (add-font node
              `((font-family . ,lily-family)
                (font-shape . ,shape)
                (font-series . ,series)
                (font-encoding . latin1) ;; ugh.
                . #(,(cons
                      (ly:pt 12)
                       `(((font-family . ,family)
                          (font-series . ,series)
                          (font-shape . ,shape)))
                       (ly:pt 12)))))))

  (add-node 'upright 'normal)
  (add-node 'caps 'normal)
  (add-node 'upright 'bold)
  (add-node 'italic 'normal)
  (add-node 'italic 'bold))

; This function allows the user to change the specific fonts, leaving others
; to the default values. This way, "make-pango-font-tree"'s syntax doesn't
; have to change from the user's perspective.
; Usage:
;   \paper {
;     #(define fonts
;       (set-global-fonts
;        #:music "gonville"  ; (the main notation font)
;        #:roman "FreeSerif" ; (the main/serif text font)
;       ))
;   }
; Leaving out "#:brace", "#:sans", and "#:typewriter" leave them at 
; "emmentaler", "sans-serif", and "monospace", respectively. All fonts are
; still accesible through the usual scheme symbols: 'feta, 'roman, 'sans, and
; 'typewriter.
(define*-public (set-global-fonts #:key 
  (music "emmentaler")
  (brace "emmentaler")
  (roman "Century Schoolbook L")
  (sans "sans-serif")
  (typewriter "monospace")
  (factor 1))
  (let ((n (make-font-tree-node 'font-encoding 'fetaMusic)))
    (add-music-fonts n 'feta music brace feta-design-size-mapping factor)
    (add-pango-fonts n 'roman roman factor)
    (add-pango-fonts n 'sans sans factor)
    (add-pango-fonts n 'typewriter typewriter factor)
(define-public (make-pango-font-tree roman-str sans-str typewrite-str factor)
  (let ((n (make-font-tree-node 'font-encoding 'fetaMusic)))
    (add-music-fonts n 'feta "emmentaler" "emmentaler" feta-design-size-mapping factor)
    (add-pango-fonts n 'roman roman-str factor)
    (add-pango-fonts n 'sans sans-str factor)
    (add-pango-fonts n 'typewriter typewrite-str factor)

(define-public (make-century-schoolbook-tree factor)
   "Century Schoolbook L"

(define-public all-text-font-encodings

(define-public all-music-font-encodings

(define-public (magstep s)
  (exp (* (/ s 6) (log 2))))

(define-public (magnification->font-size m)
  (* 6 (/ (log m) (log 2))))
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