> I'm not top posting.

I spoke too soon. Setting the minimumFret does fix the 
restrainOpenStrings issue, but not the jumping strings during slide 
issue as seen in the code below. 

There should be some way to tell lilypond not to jump strings during 

\version "2.18.2"

musica = \relative c'' {g8\glissando e8 g8\glissando (e16\glissando 
musicb = \relative c' {e2 e8\glissando (d16\glissando e16)}
musicc = \relative c' {e2 e8\2\glissando (d16\glissando e16\2)}

\score { \new StaffGroup 
           \new Staff {\musica \musicb \musicc  \musica \musicb \musicc}
           \new TabStaff {
                       \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t
                       \musica \musicb \musicc
           % setting minimumFret to a number, say #1, prevents the 
jumping strings during sliding for the second measure (as seen in the 
fourth measure) but
           % introduces the jump problem for the 1st measure (as seen in 
the 3rd measure)
                       \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #1
                       \musica \musicb \musicc}

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