Wow! It works perfectly! I am officially replacing my software method with
your Lilypond approach. Not only does it do everything I wanted but it has
better fined-grained control since it uses ledger lines and not octave
markings (like mine does). And it's got to be more efficient than mine (I
had to create two separate loops outside the main Lilypond generating loop
to handle both the treble and the bass). It's a superior solution all the
way around.

I've attached the same Lilypond file that I used yesterday and you can see
that it handles everything just like I wanted. Amazing!

Thank you very much!

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 6:47 PM, David Nalesnik <>

> Hi,
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 1:18 PM, David Bellows <>
> wrote:
>> OK, I've now played around with it and it works very nicely and will be
>> easy to integrate into my software. You've already put a lot of work into
>> this so I hate to point out any of my peculiar preferences, but just in
>> case you feel like putting even more time into it here they are:
>> 1. Add the 15va/vb marking as well.
> Done.
>> 2. I'm not sure what standard practice is but you'll see in the score
>> that my software produces it does not extend the ottava marking over rests.
>> My music tends to have a lot of rests (a consequence of how it
>> automatically changes staves) so it has a big effect on the overall look.
> Fixed.
> Standard practice is that an ottava should extend across rests if the note
> afterwards takes the ottava, too.  If the rest is sufficiently long, the
> ottava is broken.
> I've incorporated the behavior you like, but I definitely believe that
> there should be a choice for the user to extend across rests.  The function
> ought to be able to detect whether the ottava can extend: there are rests
> of sufficient length and the note after the rest needs the ottava.
> Under no circumstances should an ottava end over a rest, like you see on
> the version of your piece using \ottavate!
>> 3. Change the text. In my score I just use "8" and "15" which given how
>> crowded the score gets at times makes a big difference.
> It turns out that \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" and the like have to be
> used after \ottava #1, so I had to work it into the function.
> In the future I could add an argument to the \ottavate to allow user
> variations--like "8b," for example.  Right now, I hardcoded "8" and "15,"
> as in your score.
> You select the version--default or short names--with a boolean value--that
> is ##t (short), ##f (default).
> %%%
> Take the following example:
> musOne = \relative c''' {
>   \clef treble
>   g2 a b c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c d e f g
> }
> {
>   \ottavate #'(4 . 7) #'(-3 . -6) ##t \musOne
> }
> ##t selects the shortened names "8" and "15"
> (4 . 7) specifies the range for "8": any note having 4-7 ledger lines
> (inclusive) gets an "8."  Anything above this will get "15."
> (-3 . -6) specifies the range for "15": here the range is 3-6 ledger
> lines.  I like the negative numbers because they are visually more
> expressive, though of course, there's no sense to negative numbers of
> ledger lines....
> Chords are assigned ottavas based on the average of the ledger-line count
> of their constituent notes.  I'm sure there's a better algorithm.  If
> you're more mathematically able than me, please feel free to suggest
> something a bit more elegant :)
> In the future, there ought to be some analysis of groups of notes.  So,
> for example, an out-of-range note within a group of notes receiving an
> ottava doesn't break the line.  But I'd like to make sure what I have now
> works before I start enhancing it.
>> Thanks again for the work you've put into this!
> You're very welcome.
> --David

Attachment: Piano_Standard.pdf
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