Hi list,

I wanted to give the new alternative font "Cadence" a try in my current project, which is based on lilypond-book and xelatex.

Unfortunately, I got dozens of lines like
Layout nach »./de/lily-510b5f50.eps« ausgeben...
Warnung: "cadence-18"="cadence-18" kann nicht eingebettet werden
Warnung: "cadence-20"="cadence-20" kann nicht eingebettet werden
Warnung: "cadence-20"="cadence-20" kann nicht eingebettet werden

and therefore, the note head glyphs are missing in the resulting document.

Compiling a standalone lilypond document like the following:

\version "2.19.16"

\paper {
  #(define fonts
    #:music "cadence"

\score {
  \new Staff { c'' d'' e'' }

runs without error (and includes the note heads in the output).

Do I have to move the .otf font files in a directory where ghostscript can find them?



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