Try putting them in "/home/marc/.local/share/fonts" instead. I've noticed that 
things seem to work a little better in there. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 23, 2014, at 12:31 PM, Marc Hohl <> wrote:
>> Am 23.10.2014 um 16:43 schrieb Abraham Lee:
>> Marc,
>> I've never done anything with lilypondbook, so I can't say definitively, but 
>> it sounds like the fonts need to be put in your system font directory.
> Abraham,
> this is what I had in mind, too, and copied the .otf files in my ~/.fonts 
> directory and called fc-cache afterwards.
> $ fc-list | grep adence
> /home/marc/.fonts/cadence-16.otf: cadence\-16:style=16
> /home/marc/.fonts/cadence-26.otf: cadence\-26:style=26
> /home/marc/.fonts/cadence-14.otf: cadence\-14:style=14
> /home/marc/.fonts/cadence-13.otf: cadence\-13:style=13
> /home/marc/.fonts/cadence-23.otf: cadence\-23:style=23
> /home/marc/.fonts/cadence-11.otf: cadence\-11:style=11
> /home/marc/.fonts/cadence-18.otf: cadence\-18:style=18
> /home/marc/.fonts/cadence-20.otf: cadence\-20:style=20
> Cadence seems to be known by my system, but not by ghostscript in combination 
> with lilypond-book.
> That's not a big problem, since Cadence is not optimal in combination with 
> the text fonts used in my project, but it would be great if the new fonts 
> were available within lilypond-book, too.
> Marc
> Only LilyPond uses it's own fonts folder, so if you are using another program 
> for this, it will be looking for them in the system font folder.
>> -Abraham
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 23, 2014, at 3:29 AM, Marc Hohl <> wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> I wanted to give the new alternative font "Cadence" a try in my current 
>>> project, which is based on lilypond-book and xelatex.
>>> Unfortunately, I got dozens of lines like
>>> Layout nach »./de/lily-510b5f50.eps« ausgeben...
>>> Warnung: "cadence-18"="cadence-18" kann nicht eingebettet werden
>>> Warnung: "cadence-20"="cadence-20" kann nicht eingebettet werden
>>> Warnung: "cadence-20"="cadence-20" kann nicht eingebettet werden
>>> and therefore, the note head glyphs are missing in the resulting document.
>>> Compiling a standalone lilypond document like the following:
>>> \version "2.19.16"
>>> \paper {
>>>  #(define fonts
>>>    (set-global-fonts
>>>    #:music "cadence"
>>>  ))
>>> }
>>> \score {
>>>  \new Staff { c'' d'' e'' }
>>> }
>>> runs without error (and includes the note heads in the output).
>>> Do I have to move the .otf font files in a directory where ghostscript can 
>>> find them?
>>> TIA,
>>> Marc
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