2014-10-24 13:57 GMT+02:00 Peter Crighton <petecrigh...@gmail.com>:

> 2014-10-24 11:05 GMT+02:00 Robin Bannister <r...@dataway.ch>:
>> The source file music-functions.scm defines
>> music-map
>> which you can use for this:
>> bgr = #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
>>    (music-map (lambda (note)
>>      #{
>>        \tweak NoteHead.font-size #-2
>>        \tweak Accidental.font-size #-2
>>        #note
>>      #})
>>      music ))
>> There is an advanced example in the regression tests:
>> http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/input/regression/
>> collated-files.html#music-map.ly
> Thanks a lot, Robin! I wouldn’t have thought it would be this easy …

Although I now came upon the following situation with rests:

\version "2.19.13"

bgr = #(define-music-function
        (parser location music)
        (music-map (lambda (note)
                       \tweak NoteHead.font-size #-2
                       \tweak Accidental.font-size #-2

\new Voice <<
  \relative c' {
    c4 d r f

  \relative c' \bgr {
    e4 f r a

I get these warnings:

/home/peter/bgr.ly:21:16: warning: Two simultaneous rest events, junking
this one
  \relative c'
               \bgr {
/home/peter/bgr.ly:18:10: warning: Previous rest event here
    c4 d
         r f

Although it doesn’t seem to affect the output, it is still not desired
behaviour, and I don’t know why the \bgr function causes it.
Any ideas?

> But maybe this could be better documented? I never would have thought of
> looking for it in the regression tests (in fact I didn’t even know about
> them).
> Are there other places to learn about Scheme in LilyPond than the Scheme
> tutorial?

Peter Crighton | Musician & Music Engraver based in Mainz, Germany
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