
On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Stephen MacNeil [via Lilypond] 
<> wrote:
> Hi Abraham,
> Thanks for all the help. I do like your code it works really nice. As 
> for the voices
> >And just so you know, the << { ... }\\{ ... } >> implicitly applies
> >\voiceOne and \voiceTwo, so those are unnecessary.
> I did realize that however  i read a post somewhere saying that if 
> you explicitly reference \voiceOne \voiceTwo the slur may look 
> better. Guess it was wrong since I did end up using \shape. Anyway I 
> am wondering why when I add and extra voice using << { ... }\\{ ... } 
> >> (as guitar voices sometimes are added and subtracted at random), 
> the stem length changes.

Sorry. I'm not sure why that happens. Maybe it's that LP is having some 
difficulty determining "normal" dimensions with the clashing 

> \version "2.18.2"
> %\include "../fonts/im/improviso.ily"
> \relative c'{
> \time 6/8
> <e g c>8^"incorrect" <e g b> <e g c>
> <<{\stemUp <\tweak Flag.transparent ##t e g>8}\\{\slurDown \stemUp 
> \shape #'((0.2 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0.3)) Slur \acciaccatura d'8 
> c <e, g b> <e g c>}>> |
> }
> \relative c'{
> \time 6/8
> <e g c>8^"correct" <e g b> <e g c>
> \shape #'((0.2 . 1.1) (0.5 . 1.5) (0.3 . 2.2) (0.1 . 2.8)) Slur
> \acciaccatura d'8 <e, g c> <e g b> <e g c>
> }
> This is easily fixed however with
> \override Stem.details.beamed-lengths = #'(3.5)
> example:
> \relative c'{
> \time 6/8
> <e g c>8^"incorrect" <e g b> <e g c>
> <<{\stemUp <\tweak Flag.transparent ##t e g>8}\\{\slurDown \stemUp 
> \shape #'((0.2 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0.3)) Slur \override 
> Stem.details.beamed-lengths = #'(3.5) \acciaccatura d'8 c <e, g b> <e 
> g c>}>> |
> }
> Anyway I was just curious on that.
> Oh  I tried the fonts out, I am a big fan of font that looks hand 
> written. So I really liked
> improviso.ily. I have used jazzlily for a long time and was wondering 
> has it been updated since before?
> anyway 
> Thanks again 

LilyJAZZ has *definitely* been updated. I've added numerous elements, 
including articulations, microtonal accidentals, scripts, harmonics, 
etc. It's quite complete now. It has also been updated in that it is 
used without any fancy coding hacks :) Just do like you did with 
Improviso and use the LilyJAZZ stylesheet via

\include "LilyJAZZ.ily"

or manually,

\paper {
  #(define fonts
    #:music "lilyjazz"
    #:brace "lilyjazz"
    #:roman "LilyJAZZText"
    #:sans "LilyJAZZChords"
    #:factor (/ staff-height pt 20)

in your score and you should be good to go!


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