Greetings from Paris!

I had the same problem with the Tamil script
(which also has complex Glyph rendering)
while making transcriptions of Tēvāram songs,
as in
and finally concluded that it was hopeless for the time being
and that I should use transliteration.

You can use Vinodh Raja's converter.


There are 20 possibilities for the SOURCE
and 20 possibilities for the TARGET.

Good luck

-- Jean-Luc Chevillard (Paris)




On 31/10/2014 12:29, Jay Vara wrote:
I tried to use unicode fonts for the lyrics. While the fonts show perfectly well in the input file, the output is not correct. Is there a workaround?

\version "2.18.2"

 \score {

   \new Staff \relative c' {


          {c2 d4e f2 g a b c}

           \new Lyrics \lyricmode { ಸಾ ರಿ ಗಾ ಮಾ ಪಾ ದಾ ನೀ ಸಾ }





Here is what it prints and also what it should print.

Inline image 1

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