At 22:01 on 19 Jan 2015, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
>On Jan 19, 2015, at 9:43 PM, Cynthia Karl <> wrote:
>> You must have an intimate knowledge of LP source code to be able to
>> say that. […] How would anyone know what \dotsDown does?
>1. Search the contents of the application for “dotsDown” — find 4

Actually you don't even need to grep the code to discover this.
"\dotsDown" in the Notation Reference index links to the "Durations"
page and is introduced as a predefined command at the end of the
section discussing dotted note lengths.

Likewise in section 1.3.1 Expressive marks attached to notes:

    The rules for the default placement of articulations are defined in
    ‘scm/script.scm’. Articulations and ornamentations may be manually
    placed above or below the staff; see Direction and placement.

    Articulations are Script objects. Their properties are described
    more fully in Script.

Cynthia, perhaps you could suggest a way to make this easier to find?

Mark Knoop

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