> On Jan 20, 2015, at 7:14 AM, Noeck <noeck.marb...@gmx.de> wrote:
> 4. To find the override for staccatos, I tried to find the property of
> Script that specifies the direction. I used the Frescobaldi autocomplete
> and typed \override Script. and Ctrl+Space which showed me
> that there is a property called direction, which sounds good.
> I could also have clicked on the word 'Script' in the pdf above, which
> would have brought me to:
> http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/internals/script
> Where direction is also mentioned.
> => \override Scripts.direction = and then?

On a mac, it's apparently Cmnd+Space.  But when I tried that I got the 
Spotlight popup. There was a keyboard setting that apparently overrode 
Frescobaldi's use of the shortcut.  So I turned that off:  Apple->System 
Keyboard->Shortcuts->Spotlight->Show Spotlight search.  There was another usage 
of Cmnd+Space in Keyboard->Input Sources, which I also turned off (I wonder how 
that shortcut sharing thingy is supposed to work).

Now when I do what you described above, I get the Completion Popup.  Yay!  


Nobody seems very enthused about my suggestion to modify the definition of 
Staccato in Musical Glossary. An entry for Augmentation Dot might also be nice. 
 I might also suggest to add a little documentation for dotsDown in the 
Notation Manual.

Is Gould's "Behind Bars" the unofficial go-to reference for LilyPond notation 
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