Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmillan <at>> writes:

> The linked issue (
id=1228) currently has a
> status of “abandoned” — well, at least the associated patch does, if not 
the whole issue.
> Is there a technical reason why the most up-to-date engraver (e.g.,
> has not been (or cannot be) rolled into the main Lilypond codebase? Or is 
it technically sound, and now it's
> only a matter of somebody making an appropriate/official patch and 
submitting it?

The latest code looks reasonable.  It needs testing and somebody willing
to potentially modify it to cooperate with the rest of the code.
It sets merged rests to staff-position 0, so it might interfere in 
mysterious ways people setting their rests by hand... the automated
testing reveals things like this.

It is a layer over the existing rest_collision_engraver, so either we
check that each layer has a distinct-enough job that they won't confuse
each other, or integrate the two rest-collision engravers into one.

I never looked at this patch because from the issue title 
 "\override RestCollision #'positioning-done = #merge-rests-on-positioning" 
I didn't recognize what problem it was trying to solve, even though I am
often annoyed by that problem.
I'll try to change the title and add an example of what we want it to do.
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