Looks brilliant! It's inspiring me to look into the edition engraver now...

James Worlton

On Feb 7, 2015, at 14:51 , Kieren MacMillan wrote:

> Hello all!
> Just a note to announce my newest Lilypond engraving: my Chaconne for 
> unaccompanied violin (2001).
> (You can download the score at 
> <http://kierenmacmillan.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Chaconne_letter.pdf>.)
> There are still some improvements I’m planning to make over the next little 
> while — for me, tweaking the engraving of a score can be as endless as 
> revising the composition itself ;) — and it’s not going to win any 
> international music publication awards (cf. Urs & Janek!).
> All that being said, I’m pretty proud of it. Despite the fact that the piece 
> was written almost fourteen years ago, and has had multiple performances and 
> even a commercial CD recording, this is the first time I’ve made the score 
> available to the public: the original score, engraved using the now-defunct 
> Igor Engraver, never lived up to my aesthetic standards, and in fact was the 
> reason I ended up moving to Lilypond the following year.
> Thanks to everyone in the ‘Pond, especially: the development team, old 
> (Han-Wen et al.) and new (David K. and David N. et al.); Jan-Peter, for the 
> \editionEngraver (which saved hours of frustration making this score look the 
> way it does); and all those who have given me great assistance on the list 
> over the years.
> I included a little shout-out to Lilypond in the score’s Colophon — my way of 
> continuing to tell the world that Lilypond makes the most beautiful scores.
> All the best,
> Kieren.
> _______________________
> Kieren MacMillan, composer
> www:  <http://www.kierenmacmillan.info>
> email:  i...@kierenmacmillan.info
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