
Lovely, in all regards. I'm so grateful that you have made this score
available. I had no idea this piece existed. I, too, have just heard it on
SoundCloud, and I love it.

I'm a classic guitarist, and for many of us the word "Chaconne" has
immediate and galvanizing connotations. Every since Segovia simultaneously
amazed and scandalized Paris by playing Bach's Chaconne (that's how we
refer to it - that says it all) in a recital, we've tended to think we own
the piece. I, for one, think of it as two different pieces, both by Bach.
One is for violin, and it's awesome. The other is for classic guitar, and
it's beyond description, although Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco is reputed to
have once remarked to American guitarist Christopher Parkening once that it
is "simply the greatest piece of music ever written."

And now there's another Chaconne to consider, one with delightful modern
qualities. I'm about to print it out and begin adapting it to guitar. I
have no real qualifications for doing it, except love for Bach, guitar, and
Chaconnes. I'm going to do it anyway.

And by the way, I think the score *looks* lovely.

I will also further investigate the rest of your corpus, to the extent I
can. You have much intrigued me. I, too, compose, but only for my
instrument. I'm intrigued by what you've written and I want to hear and
learn more.

Thanks again, so very much, for your generosity.


On 02/07/2015 12:51 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hello all!

Just a note to announce my newest Lilypond engraving: my Chaconne for
unaccompanied violin (2001).
(You can download the score at

There are still some improvements I’m planning to make over the next
little while — for me, tweaking the engraving of a score can be as
endless as revising the composition itself ;) — and it’s not going to
win any international music publication awards (cf. Urs & Janek!).

All that being said, I’m pretty proud of it. Despite the fact that the
piece was written almost fourteen years ago, and has had multiple
performances and even a commercial CD recording, this is the first
time I’ve made the score available to the public: the original score,
engraved using the now-defunct Igor Engraver, never lived up to my
aesthetic standards, and in fact was the reason I ended up moving to
Lilypond the following year.

Thanks to everyone in the ‘Pond, especially: the development team, old
(Han-Wen et al.) and new (David K. and David N. et al.); Jan-Peter,
for the \editionEngraver (which saved hours of frustration making this
score look the way it does); and all those who have given me great
assistance on the list over the years.

I included a little shout-out to Lilypond in the score’s Colophon — my
way of continuing to tell the world that Lilypond makes the most
beautiful scores.

All the best,

Kieren MacMillan, composer
www:  <>

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history of the world, man will have discovered fire." ~ Pierre Teilhard de

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