On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:46 AM, David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com>

> Spacing rods are created between columns--PaperColumn (PC) and
> NonMusicalPaperColumn (NMPC).  The distance that these rods enforce is from
> the beginning of one column to the next.  So, if we have two notes, there
> is a distance set between two PCs.  For ties at the beginning of the line,
> the rod governs a NMPC on the left and the PC on the right that is
> associated with the NoteHead.  So when you set  minimum-distance or
> minimum-distance-after-break In the latter case, minimum-distance specifies
> a rod of that length between the beginning of the line and the PC; the tie
> is drawn within whatever space is available to it.  So, in effect, you're
> saying "move the NoteColumn to this staff position".

[Bad proofreading:]

Spacing rods are created between columns--PaperColumn (PC) and
NonMusicalPaperColumn (NMPC).  The distance that these rods enforce is from
the beginning of one column to the next.  So, if we have two notes, there
is a distance set between two PCs.  For ties at the beginning of the line,
the rod governs a NMPC on the left and the PC on the right that is
associated with the NoteHead.  In the latter case, minimum-distance
specifies a rod of that length between the beginning of the line and the
PC; the tie is drawn within whatever space is available to it.  So, in
effect, you're saying "move the NoteColumn to this staff position".

> Where does that nice extra space come from that LilyPond gives to the
> default tie after the time signature?  TimeSignature.extra-spacing-width.
>  (That quantity--0.8, by default--is simply dded into the rod's width.)
> Now, perhaps, minimum-distance after a break could be conceived of as an
> _offset_, rather than an absolute value replacing whatever's there.  The
> tie's length would change by that much.  This at least approximates what we
> think minimum-distance is doing, though it's still an illusion.
> You can visualize what happens with your example using the code below.  (I
> have changed minimum-distance-after-break to minimum-distance so that
> others can look who don't have access to current master.)
> The interesting values here are in red--they are the required distances:
> the rods.
> Two things to notice:
> (1) the offset note in the chord doesn't figure in the rod's width;
> (2) minimum-distance takes effect when it is larger than what LilyPond
> would put there.  The last tie gets a rod of 11.26; put 11.27 and it
> changes.
> %%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19.15"
> \paper {
>   line-width = 50\mm
> }
> \relative c'' {
>   <bes des e g>1 ~ \break q \break
>   \once\override Tie.minimum-length = 10
>   <bes des e g>1 ~ \break q \break
>   \time 4/4 <bes des e g>1 ~ \break \time 3/4 q2. \break
>   \once\override Tie.minimum-length = 10
>   \time 4/4 <bes des e g>1 ~ \break \time 3/4 q2. \break
> }
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Score
>     \override PaperColumn.stencil = #ly:paper-column::print
>     \override NonMusicalPaperColumn.stencil = #ly:paper-column::print
>   }
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Hope this at least clarifies the problem!
> David
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