
a possible workaround would be to insert

\layout {
  \context { \Voice
             \override Stem.neutral-direction = #'()
             \consists "Melody_engraver" }

It computes the stem direction for neutral-position (i.e. normally the center staff line) and here also the wrongly flipped f’s such as to suit the surrounding notes.

HTH, Simon

Am 03.03.2015 um 15:37 schrieb Cynthia Karl:
The following snippet:

\version "2.19.15"

staffSize = #(define-music-function (parser location new-size) (number?)
  \set fontSize = #new-size
  \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep new-size)
  \override StaffSymbol #'thickness   = #(magstep new-size)

    Ab = \relative c' { f4 g a b  }

    \score {
        \new Staff  \with { \staffSize #2  { \Ab }
\layout {}

produces at LP v2.19.15:

but at LP v2.19.16 produces:

Besides being wrong (see, e.g., "Behind Bars" by Elaine Gould, p.13), this causes many scores to require an additional page.

Applying convert-ly to the above snippet changes only the \version number.

I tried all values for new-size between -8 and +8; the only ones that failed were -4 and 2.

(The staffSize music-function was kindly contributed by Eluze in 2013 on this list to overcome limitations of layout-set-staff-size.)

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