On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Adir Abraham wrote:

> Please do surprise me. Is there any efficient way to show a Hebrew (or
> mixed) word DOC (or RTF) in Linux (and I am not talking about anti-word,
> as "squeezing the ascii characters out of the document")? If there's such
> a thing, it will be a nice bonus to the lecture.

One library that does this is wv. This is available in a stand-alone
package, for cpnverting word->html and word->latex . word->latex doesn't
work well on Hebrew, but word->html works fine. Use wvHtml from the wv
package, and view the result in a browser that supports bidi (mozilla,
galeon, konqueror, skipstone)

Alternatively, use abiword, which uses wv for reading word documents, and
has bidi support.

Tzafrir Cohen

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