On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 11:28 PM, Paul Larson <paul.lar...@linaro.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Jeremy Chang <jeremy.ch...@linaro.org>
> wrote:
>> +# mount mmc partitions
>> +    mount ext4 mmc@blk0p3 /system
>> +    mount ext4 mmc@blk0p3 /system ro remount
>> +    mount ext4 mmc@blk0p5 /cache
>> +    mount ext4 mmc@blk0p6 /data
>> +    mount ext4 mmc@blk0p7 /sdcard
> In my understanding, this will require a very particular sd card partition
> layout, which seems to use quite a few partitions.  Is this documented
> somewhere?  I'm trying to think about whether it will be possible to make
> this coexist with Linaro image testing in our validation environment where
> we currently have 2 partitions for booting a master image, and two
> partitions for booting a new linaro image we wish to test.
Hi, Paul:
   There's a wiki page here, https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/Android/DevBoards
   Also I have created a branch
lp:~jeremychang/linaro-image-tools/android for bug #724207.
   Besides using linaro-media-create to deploy the android contents,
indeed I am curious about how we should create the 2 partitions for
master image for automatic validation. Regarding to deployment, is
there any effort we should do to integrate android to LAVA?

-Jeremy Chang

> Thanks,
> Paul Larson

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