> Hi, Paul:
  There's a wiki page here,
> https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/Android/DevBoards
>   Also I have created a branch
> lp:~jeremychang/linaro-image-tools/android for bug #724207.
>   Besides using linaro-media-create to deploy the android contents,
> indeed I am curious about how we should create the 2 partitions for
> master image for automatic validation. Regarding to deployment, is
> there any effort we should do to integrate android to LAVA?
>   Thanks.
> Do you think the sizes listed there will be adequate for long?  They seem a
bit small, but then again I know android is a lot more stripped down than
most of our linaro images.

You don't need to worry about creating the master image part.  That's
basically a piece that we put on the machine to make sure we have some
stable image to boot back into.  The only part that concerned me here was
the static mapping of partition numbers to mountpoints.  There are a couple
of different ways I could see this working:
1. with the current way we do things, we typically either do:
mmcblk0p1 - boot (for master image)
mmcblk0p2 - root (for master imge)
then either p3, p4 for testboot, testrootfs, or an extended partition, with
2 or more logical partitions labeled testboot, testrootfs.
We could adjust this slightly and do:
mmcblk0p1 - boot
mmcblk0p2 - root
mmcblk0p3 - androidsystem
mmcblk0p4 [extended]
  mmcblk0p5 - androidcache
  mmcblk0p6 - androiddata
  mmcblk0p7 - androidsdcard / testrootfs (this could be the bulk of
remaining space used by both, depending on which image type we are booting)
  mmcblk0p8 - testboot

We would need to try it, but it might make a good solution for the short

2. Long term, I think we want to eventually get to a system where we are
loading a minimal initramfs from somewhere.  We're currently looking into a
custom hardware device that would allow us to load this from one sdcard,
then switch over to another for building images on.  If we get something
like that in place, then we can completely wipe out a "test" sd card that
would allow us to put whatever we want on it.  There are a lot of details to
work out with this, so I don't see it happening this cycle, but I think it's
where we want to be eventually.

Paul Larson
linaro-dev mailing list

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