On Tue, Mar 15, 2011, Andrew Stubbs wrote:
> I find that bzr is slow - there's no getting around it, but there
> are some tricks that can help.

 Thanks for sharing your tips; also noteworthy, this tip by Martin Pool:

> I find "bzr push" is quite fast, but there's a special gotcha - it
> always stacks new feature branches on top of the gcc-linaro/4.5
> branch (more accurately, the "focus of development" branch), and if
> you're working with 4.4 or 4.6, that means there quite a lot of
> difference to upload.

 Actually, I have a cron jobs which pushes the revisions of the 4.4
 branch in the 4.5 repo on Launchpad; I just realized that this was
 still an issue from your email, so I've looked at the script again and
 it wasn't dealing with 4.6; I've added a step to copy the 4.6 revs into
 the 4.5 repo every night, so that should make bzr push fast again for
 you.  (I'm still pushing the revs though, will take a while.)

> >   5) wait for branch to be processed by launchpad (only a few minutes,
> >      nothing major)

 I don't  :-)

> >   7) merge to trunk (with the inevitable ChangeLog merge failure
> >      that you mentioned).

 bzr has plugins to merge changelog entries for some types of
 changelogs; I wonder whether we could use these here.  Another option
 would be to generate a GNU ChangeLog from the bzr log at release time
 as we do for linaro-image-tools for instance.

Loïc Minier

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