On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 10:48:26 -0700
Bernhard Rosenkranzer <bernhard.rosenkran...@linaro.org> wrote:

> On 10 August 2011 09:20, Vladimir Pantelic <vlado...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > fwiw, android GB and HC both build fine on 32 bit here...
> How so? Did you simply patch out the
> ifeq ($(BUILD_OS),linux)
> build_arch := $(shell uname -m)
> ifneq (64,$(findstring 64,$(build_arch)))
> $(warning
> ************************************************************)
> $(warning You are attempting to build on a 32-bit system.) $(warning
> Only 64-bit build environments are supported beyond froyo/2.2.)
> $(warning
> ************************************************************) $(error
> stop) endif endif
> part of build/core/main.mk? (I never understood why they put it there,
> but never bothered to question it and patch it out).

I personally did. I understand that what comes out is nothing official,
but it helps to at least look at non-related build issues.

I don't have strong opinion on whether we should switch for Linaro
builds, but would like to see stronger motivation than "it might be
slightly faster" ;-). There're in particular bunch of ideas how to make
android-build quicker, but going for them w/o actual benchmarking might
be waste of time or lead to adverse effects...

> ttyl
> bero

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