On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:13:08AM -0500, Zach Pfeffer wrote:
> > Any other issues that I've missed? Where should we come down in this case?
> I say we stay the course and fix the issue of sha's disappearing. I
> feel this way because its:
> 1. Technically feasible in the short term.
> 2. Saves the substantial burden of redirecting to the user.
> 3. Supports the only way that you can guarantee 100% build fidelity.

Can you restate "fix the issue of sha's [sic] disappearing" in a way
which I can understand? As far as I know, the actual problem is that
repo isn't fetching all tags.

Or are you describing the symptom as seen from the build system? Because
my suggestion (ship a forked repo temporarily) would address that.
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