On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:18:18AM +0100, Dave Martin wrote:
> a) Is the omission of the "Developers and Community Builds" links from
> http://www.linaro.org/downloads/ intentional?  This is a concern,
> because these links contain the _only_ deliverables for certain
> platform and filesystem combinations.  The wiki release page itself is
> not easily findable without going to the wiki.

It's not intentional, but we chose to keep them out for a bit to try and
figure out how to keep the LEBs "special". But this time around, you can
see them live:


I did mention today to Alexander that I would like to see the "Download
for:" column cleaned up -- perhaps by moving the set to be split across
rows, or something else visually smart.

> b) The release page on the wiki contains important information like
> the list of known issues.  Shouldn't this page be linked from
> http://www.linaro.org/downloads/ or some other prominent location?  I
> don't see how to get to it at present.  A visitor won't know that they
> have to go to the wiki for this information.

It's now linked, but I somehow feel that we should have these visible
from the main download page. Perhaps as a set of tabs inside Downloads
-- Downloads, Release Notes? Or Dave, do you think the way we have it
now is good enough for the moment?

> c) The known issues list on the wiki release page doesn't seem include
> all the issues reported during testing.  Will these get propagated, or
> is it the responsibility of testers to add the relevant information to
> the known issues list themselves?

That's a good point. I may have missed a reply to this -- what's the

> d) For vexpress specifically, there is no link from the release pages
> or downloads to the specific installation instructions applicable to
> this board.  Even I find these difficult to find without bookmarking.
> Because that information is very board-specific, I don't think it
> needs to be included on
> https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/DevPlatform/Ubuntu/ImageInstallation
> -- but can we at least have a link on there pointing to the
> appropriate page?

That's sort of what I am saying with my comment above about cleaning up
the "Download for:" column. Instead of stapling them all together, how

    Nano    Natty   11.08      <download link>
            TI Beagleboard          <instructions>
            ARM Versatile           <instructions>
            ST-Ericsson Snowball    <instructions>

I realize the download link isn't exactly unique per-board and that we
have no way of fixing that in the near term. But at least the design
aboves is a step forward.

Finally, WTF is "Android Machine"? :-)
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