On 7 October 2011 13:23, Alexander Sack <a...@linaro.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 11:29 PM, Paul Larson <paul.lar...@linaro.org> wrote:
>> I know this has come up before, but I'd like to raise it again: Is there
>> any reason for the lack of consistency between directory layouts for:
>> http://snapshots.linaro.org/oneiric/
>> vs.
>> http://snapshots.linaro.org/11.05-daily/
>> Would it be possible to rename the oneiric directory to 11.11-daily and
>> split the hwpacks off into a linaro-hwpacks directory like the 11.04 images?
>> Also, keeping some kind of -oneiric or -11.11 on the image/hwpack dirs
>> probably makes sense, but are we planning on changing anything after these
>> become the default LEB images?
> So my take is that the term 11.05 11.11 and so on is legacy as we are on a
> monthly cadence without big/meta
> cycles.
> Also, it strikes me that we only use snapshots.linaro.org for ubuntu and I
> don't think we will move to a
> centralized hosting place for our  various daily artifacts anytime soon.
> So here is what I propose:
>  1. move to ubuntu-build.linaro.org namespace for the ubuntu file hosting
>  2. use directory structure matching the project group names used on
> offspring.linaro.org; e.g. natty-hwpacks, natty-images, oneiric-hwpacks,
> oneiric-Images, etc.

No objections.

To illustrate:
`-- build
    |-- natty-hwpacks
    |-- natty-images
    |-- oneiric-hwpacks
    `-- oneiric-images



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