Hi Tom,

On 01/22/2012 12:51 PM, Tom Gall wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> Say what version of ubuntu are you building this on?  

Oneric (11.10)

> Would it be possible to get a complete log?


> I just installed the 3.0~a40.1-1linaro13~maverick5 version of
> live-build out of my ppa which is referenced in the wiki page onto a
> "clean" oneiric machine. The cross build completed successfully.

Using the same versions you are:

live-build            3.0~a40.1-1linaro13~maverick5
perl                  5.12.4-4
qemu-user-static      1.0-2011.12-0ubuntu1~ppa11.10.1

I don't know if this is a clue, but you'll notice in the log that
I do get a lot of insserv: warnings during the build:

insserv: warning: script 'package' missing LSB tags and overrides

I didn't think the messages were related.

Thanks for helping,

PS. I can log this as a bug tomorrow if you think it's more appropriate
to track there. Sound's like Peter thinks it's a QEMU problem.

> qemu or perl issues are possible and for completeness here are the
> versions of each I have installed on my box that just ran to
> successful completion:
> perl                5.12.4-4
> qemu-user-static    1.0-2011.12-0ubuntu1~ppa11.10.1
> Thanks,
> Tom
> On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Matt Waddel <matt.wad...@linaro.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have encountered a failure running live-build that I could use
>> some help debugging.
>> Using the instructions in the LiveBuild wiki page:
>> https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/DevPlatform/CrossCompile/LiveBuild
>> the procedure fails during the adduser step. The failure is:
>> I: create linaro user
>> Can't set $0 with prctl(): Bad address at /usr/sbin/adduser line 86.
>> Here is the perl code around line 86 in adduser:
>> ----
>> my %config;                     # configuration hash
>> my @defaults = ("/etc/adduser.conf");
>> my $nogroup_id = getgrnam("nogroup") || 65534;
>> $0 =~ s+.*/++;                  <<<<<<<<< Line 86 >>>>>>>>>>>
>> ----
>> This is the call to adduser from the 01-setup_user_linaro.chroot
>> script that causes the problem:
>> adduser --gecos linaro --disabled-login linaro
>> The funny thing about this failure, if I chroot into the build
>> area and run that command manually, everything works fine.
>> 1st, what is that perl command doing?
>> 2nd, anybody have any ideas on what would cause this failure?
>> TIA,
>> Matt
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