On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Christian Robottom Reis <k...@linaro.org>wrote:

> I think there's a standard link missing from CI pages such as
> https://ci.linaro.org/jenkins/job/TI-working-tree_tilt-linux-linaro-3.1_panda-omap4plus/
> to the output directory at
> http://snapshots.linaro.org/kernel-hwpack/TI-working-tree/TI-working-tree_tilt-linux-linaro-3.1_panda-omap4plus/
> Is that right? For some background, we got this inquiry on IRC:
>    <slado> rsalveti: are there prebuilt linaro kernels for ubuntu that
>    have hdmi fixes described in bug 919378?
> I went to look at the bug and then figured the latest CI build might
> have the code included. Indeed it does:
> https://ci.linaro.org/jenkins/job/TI-working-tree_tilt-linux-linaro-3.1_panda-omap4plus/4/changes#detail2
> However, I couldn't find a way of getting the binary generated from the
> build, and had to actually use my rapidly deteriorating memory to get to
> snapshots.linaro.org, where I had to also go through a confusing set of
> directories to get to what I think is the actual build.

We don't export the .deb package itself. What we export is the complete
hwpack for such "pure" upstream CI jobs:
http://ci.linaro.org/kernel_hwpack/(in this case:
... can you find that build there?

(I don't know about the retention policy on that place atm.)

Short term I see two things that would be really important:
 1. a really easy to find link to the LAVA job submitted
 2. good display of the meta information of the build/lava job submitted
which would include the link to the hwpack (as that is what is passed to
LAVA as one artifact) as well as information about the git source and
commit (and we could make a link to gitweb out of it when visualizing this

Ultimately, we want to have a way to have all meta-information for all
steps of a CI job nicely visualized (e.g. automerging, auto buiding,
validating, etc.).

Anyway, we should start thinking about visualizing CI jobs and make them
navigatable soon. I don't want to see us making the mistake again to wait
for a nice UI until all the plumming is done. That approach just leave lots
of value on the floor! I am sure Andy, Ricardo and Danilo are already
thinking about this though :).

Alexander Sack
Technical Director, Linaro Platform Teams
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