On 01/30/2013 04:35 PM, Lukasz Majewski wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'd like to ask about the power aware scheduler development:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-power-kernel/+spec/power-aware-
> scheduler

The latest code released in LKML:

Comments are appreciated! :)
> Why I'm interested?
> I'd like to test and further develop methods to put CPU to IDLE or
> changing its operating frequency. I'm especially interested in
> packing  as much as possible tasks to a CPU and put the other one to
> deep idle (RFTS - policy). I'm also curious how aggressive
> SCHED_POLICY_POWERSAVING is going to be? (are there any special
> requirements)
> In the above page at the "Work items 2013.01" section states that
> there is a work TODO in the "max_power and current_power" for DVFS.
> Could you share code (if available) and plans for this development?
> I've looked to the:
> git://git.linaro.org/arm/big.LITTLE/mp.git tree (branch: power-aware-
> scheduling-v4), but didn't find the power related code (especially
> DVFS).
> Probably I've looked at wrong place, so any guidance would be
> appreciate.
> As a side question:
> On the linaro-dev mailing list there are some patches for tuning cpufreq
> governor. Is there any roadmap for this effort? 

Thanks Alex

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