On 30 January 2013 09:35, Lukasz Majewski <l.majew...@samsung.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'd like to ask about the power aware scheduler development:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-power-kernel/+spec/power-aware-
> scheduler
> Why I'm interested?
> I'd like to test and further develop methods to put CPU to IDLE or
> changing its operating frequency. I'm especially interested in
> packing  as much as possible tasks to a CPU and put the other one to
> deep idle (RFTS - policy). I'm also curious how aggressive
> SCHED_POLICY_POWERSAVING is going to be? (are there any special
> requirements)

I'm going to release a v3 of packing small tasks patches this week

> In the above page at the "Work items 2013.01" section states that
> there is a work TODO in the "max_power and current_power" for DVFS.
> Could you share code (if available) and plans for this development?

This step of the blueprint is not already done but there are RFC patch
from Chris Redpath about frequency scaling invariance that could
interest you

> I've looked to the:
> git://git.linaro.org/arm/big.LITTLE/mp.git tree (branch: power-aware-
> scheduling-v4), but didn't find the power related code (especially
> DVFS).
> Probably I've looked at wrong place, so any guidance would be
> appreciate.
> As a side question:
> On the linaro-dev mailing list there are some patches for tuning cpufreq
> governor. Is there any roadmap for this effort?
> --
> Best regards,
> Lukasz Majewski
> Samsung R&D Poland (SRPOL) | Linux Platform Group

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