Hi Wookey,

I've finally completed a first of draft the write-up of toolchain
implications of multiarch paths that we discussed in Prague.  Sorry it took
a while, but it got a lot longer than I expected :-/

I'd appreciate any feedback and comments!

Multiarch paths and toolchain implications

== Overview and goals ==

Binary files in packages are usually platform-specific, that is they work
only on the architecture they were built for.  Therefore, the packaging
system provides platform-specific versions for them.  Currently, these
versions will install platform-specific files to the same file system
locations, which implies that only one of them can be installed into a
system at the same time.

The goal of the "multiarch" effort is to lift this limitation, and allow
multiple platform-specific versions of the same package to be installed
into the same file system at the same time.  In addition, each package
should install to the same file system locations no matter on which host
architecture the installation is performed (that is, no rewriting of
path names during installation).

This approach could solve a number of existing situations that are not
handled well by today's packaging mechanisms:
- Systems able to run binaries of more than one ISA natively.
- Support for multiple incompatible ABI variants on the same ISA.
- Support for processor-optimized ABI-compatible library variants.
- NFS file system images exported to hosts of different architectures.
- Target file systems for ISA emulators etc.
- Development packages for cross-compilation.

In order to support this, platform-specific versions of a multiarch
package must have the property that for each file, it is either 100%
identical across platforms, or else it must be installed to separate
locations in the file system.

The latter is the case at least for executable files, shared libraries,
static libraries and object files, and to some extent maybe header files.
This means that in a multiarch world, such files must move to different
locations in the file system than they are now.  This causes a variety
of issues to be solved; in particular, most of the existing locations
are defined by the LHS and/or are assumed to have well-known values by
various system tools.

In this document, I want to focus on the impact of file system hierarchy
changes to two tasks in particular:
- loading/running an executable
- building an executable from source
In the following two sections, I'll provide details on file system paths
are currently handled in these two areas.  In the final section, I'll
discuss suggestions how to extend the current behavior to support
multiarch paths.

== Loading/running an executable ==

Running a new executable starts with the execve () system call.   The
Linux kernel supports execution of a variety of executable types; most
commonly used are
- native ELF executable
- ELF exectuable for a secondary native ISA (32-bit on 64-bit)
- #! scripts
- user-defined execution handlers (via binfmt_misc)

The binary itself is passed via full (or relative) pathname to the
execve call; the kernel does not make file system hierarchy assuptions.
By convention, callers of execve ususally search well-known path locations
(via the PATH environment variable) when locating executables.  How to
adapt these conventions for multiarch is beyond the scope of this document.

With #! scripts and binfmt_misc handlers, the kernel will involve a
user-space helper to start execution.  The location of these handlers
themselves and secondary files they in turn may require is provided by
user space (e.g. in the #! line, or in the parameters installed into
the binfmt_misc file system).  Again, adapting these path names is
beyond the scope of this document.

For native ELF executables, there are two additional classes of files
involved in the initial load process: the ELF interpreter (dynamic
loader), and shared libraries required by the executable.

The ELF interpreter name is provided in the PT_INTERP program header
of the ELF executable to be loaded; the kernel makes no file name
assumptions here.  This program header is generated by the linker
when performing final link of a dynamically linked executable;
it uses the file name passed via the -dynamic-linker argument.
(Note that while the linker will fall back to some hard-coded path
if that argument is missing, on many Linux platforms this default
is in fact incorrect and does not correspond to a ELF interpreter
actually installed in the file system in current distributions.
Passing a correct -dynamic-linker argument is therefore mandatory.)

In normal builds, the -dynamic-linker switch is passed to the linker
by the GCC compiler driver.  This in turn gets the proper argument
to be used on the target platform from the specs file; the (correct)
default value is hard-coded into the GCC platform back-end sources.
On bi-arch platforms, GCC will automatically choose the correct
variant depending on compile options like -m32 or -m64.  Again,
the logic to do so is hard-coded into the back-end.  Unfortunately,
various bi-arch platforms use different schemes today:
  amd64: /lib/ld-linux.so.2  vs.  /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
  ia64:  /lib/ld-linux.so.2  vs.  /lib/ld-linux-ia64.so.2
  mips:  /lib/ld.so.1        vs.  /lib64/ld.so.1
  ppc:   /lib/ld.so.1        vs.  /lib64/ld64.so.1
  s390:  /lib/ld.so.1        vs.  /lib/ld64.so.1
  sparc: /lib/ld-linux.so.2  vs.  /lib64/ld-linux.so.2

Once the dynamic interpreter is loaded, it will go on and load
dynamic libraries required by the executable.  For this discussion,
we will consider only the case where the interpreter is ld.so as
provided by glibc.

As opposed to the kernel, glibc does in fact *search* for libraries,
and makes a variety of path name assumptions while doing so.  It
will consider paths encoded via -rpath, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
variable, and knows of certain hard-coded system library directories.
It also provides a mechanism to automatically choose the best out of
a number of libraries available on the system, depending on which
capabilities the hardware / OS provides.

Specifically, glibc determines a list of search directory prefixes,
and a list of capability suffixes.  The directory prefixes are:

- any directory named in the (deprecated) DT_RPATH dynamic tag of
  the requesting object, or, recursively, any parent object
  (note that DT_RPATH is ignored if DT_RUNPATH is also present)
- any directory listed in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
- any directory named in the DT_RUNPATH dynamic tag of the requesting
  object (only)
- the system directories, which are on Linux hard-coded to:
   * /lib$(biarch_suffix)
   * /usr/lib$(biarch_suffix)
  where $(biarch_suffix) may be "64" on 64-bit bi-arch platforms.

The capability suffixes are determined from the following list
of capabilities:
- For each hardware capability that is present on the hardware
  as indicated by a bit set in the AT_HWCAP auxillary vector entry,
  and is considered "important" according to glibc's hard-coded
  list of important hwcaps (platform-dependent), a well-known
  string provided by glibc's platform back-end.
- For each "extra" hardware capability present on the hardware
  as indicated by a GNU NOTE section in the vDSO provided by
  the kernel, a string provided in that same note.
- A string identifying the platform as a whole, as provided by
  the kernel via the AT_PLATFORM auxillary vector entry.
- For each software capability supported by glibc and the kernel,
  a well-known string.  The only such capability supported today
  is "tls", indicating support for thread-local storage.

The full list of capability suffixes is created from the list of supported
capabilities by forming every sub-sequence.  For example, if the platform is
"i686", supports the important hwcap "sse2" and TLS, the list of suffixes is:

The total list of directories to be searched is then formed by concatenating
every directory prefix with every capability suffix.  Various caching
mechanisms are employed to reduce the run-time overhead of this large
search space.

Note: This method of searching capability suffixes is employed only by glibc
at run time; it is unknown to the toolchain at compile time.  This implies
that an executable will have been linked against the "base" version of a
library, and the "capability-specific" version of the library is only
substituted at run time.  Therefore, all capability-specific versions must
be ABI-compatible to the base version, in particular they must provide the
same soname and symbol versions, and they must use compatible function
calling conventions.

== Building an executable from source ==

For this discussion, we only consider GCC and the GNU toolchain, installed
into the usual locations as system toolchain, and in the absence of any
special-purpose options (-B) or environment variables (GCC_EXEC_PREFIX,

However, we do consider the three typical modes of operation:
- native compilation
- cross-compilation using a "traditional" toolchain install
- cross-compilation using a sysroot

During the build process, the toolchain performs a number of searches for
files.  In particular, it looks for (executable) components of the toolchain
itself; for include files; for startup object files; and for static and
dynamic libraries.

In doing so, the GNU toolchain considers locations derived from any of the
following "roots":

- Private GCC installation directories
  * /usr/lib/gcc
  * /usr/libexec/gcc
  These hold both GCC components and target-specific headers and libraries
  provided by GCC itself.

- GNU toolchain installation directories
  * /usr/$(target)
  These directories hold files used across multiple components of the GNU
  toolchain, including the compiler and binutils.  In addition, they may also
  hold target libraries and headers; in particular for libraries traditionally
  considered part of the toolchain, like newlib for embedded systems.  In fact,
  in the "traditional" installation of a GNU cross-toolchain, *all* default
  target libraries and headers are found here.  However, the toolchain
  directories are always consulted for native compilation as well (if present)!

- The install "prefix"
  This is what is specified via the --prefix configure option.  The toolchain
  will look for headers and libraries under that root, allowing for building
  and installing of multiple software packages that depend on each other into
  a shared prefix.  (This is really only relevant when the toolchain is *not*
  installed as system toolchain, e.g. in a setup where you provide a GNU
  toolchain + separately built GNU packages on a non-GNU system in some
  distinct non-system directory.)

- System directories
  * /lib$(biarch_suffix)
  * /usr/lib$(biarch_suffix)
  * /usr/local/lib$(biarch_suffix)
  * /usr/include
  * /usr/local/include
  These are default locations defined by the OS and hard-coded into the
  toolchain sources.  The examples above are those used for Linux.  On bi-arch
  platforms, $(biarch_suffix) may be the suffix "64".  These directories are
  used only for native compilation; however in a "sysroot" cross-compiler, they
  are used for cross-compilation as well, prefixed by the sysroot directory.

In addition to the base directory paths refered to above, the GNU toolchain
supports the so-called "multilib" mechanism.  This is intended to provide
support for multiple incompatible ABIs on a single platform.  This is
implemented by the GCC back-end having hard-coded information about which
compiler option causes an incompatible ABI change, and a hard-coded
"multilib" directory suffix name corresponding to that option.  For example,
on PowerPC the -msoft-float option is associated with the multilib suffix
"nof", which means libraries using the soft-float ABI (passing floating point
values in integer registers) can be provided in directories like:

The multilib suffix is appended to all directories searched for libraries
by GCC and passed via -L options to the linker.  The linker itself does not
have any particular knowledge of multilibs, and will continue to consult its
default search directories if a library is not found in the -L paths.  If
multiple orthogonal ABI-changing options are used in a single compilation,
multiple multilib suffixes can be used in series.

As a special consideration, some compiler options may correspond to multiple
incompatible ABIs that are already supported by the OS, but using directory
names differently from what GCC would use internally.  As the typical example,
on bi-arch systems the OS will normally provide the default 64-bit libraries
in /usr/lib64, while also providing 32-bit libraries in /usr/lib.  For GCC on
the other side, 64-bit is the default (meaning no multilib suffix), while the
-m32 option is associated with the multilib suffix "32".

To solve this problem, the GCC back-end may provide a secondary OS multilib
suffix which is used in place of the primary multilib suffix for all library
directories derived from *system* paths as opposed to GCC paths.  For example,
in the typical bi-arch setup, the -m32 option is associated with the OS
multilib suffix "../lib".  Given the that primary system library directory
is /usr/lib64 on such systems, this has the effect of causing the toolchain
to search
for default compilations, and
  /usr/lib64/../lib  (i.e. /usr/lib)
for -m32 compilations.

The following rules specify in detail which directories are searched
at which phase of compilation.  The following parameters are used:

    GNU target triple (as specified at configure time)

    GCC version number

    Determined at configure time, usually /usr or /usr/local

    Determined at configure time, usually $(prefix)/lib

    Determined at configure time, usually $(prefix)/libexec

    GNU toolchain directory, usually $(prefix)/$(target)

    Location of C++ header files.  Determined at configure time:
    * If --with-gxx-include-dir is given, the specified directory
    * Otherwise, if --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs is given:
    * Otherwise for all cross-compilers (including with sysroot!):
    * Otherwise for native compilers:

    Multilib suffix appended for GCC include and library directories

    OS multilib suffix appended for system library directories

    Sysroot directory (empty for native compilers)

Directories searched by the compiler driver for executables (cc1, as, ...):

  1. GCC directories:

  2. Toolchain directories:

Directories searched by the compiler for include files:

  1. G++ directories (when compiling C++ code only):

  2. Prefix directories (if distinct from system directories):
  [native only] $(prefix)/include

  3. GCC directories:

  4. Toolchain directories:
  [cross only] $(tooldir)/sys-include

  5. System directories:
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/usr/local/include
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/usr/include

Directories searched by the compiler driver for startup files (crt*.o):

  1. GCC directories:

  2. Toolchain directories:

  3. Prefix directories:
  [native only] $(libdir)/$(target)/$(version)[/$(multi_os)]
  [native only] $(libdir)[/$(multi_os)]

  4. System directories:
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/lib/$(target)/$(version)[/$(multi_os)]
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/lib[/$(multi_os)]
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/usr/lib/$(target)/$(version)[/$(multi_os)]
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/usr/lib[/$(multi_os)]

Directories searched by the linker for libraries:

  In addition to these directories built-in to the linker, if the linker
  is invoked via the compiler driver, it will also search the same list
  of directories specified above for startup files, because those are
  implicitly passed in via -L options by the driver.

  Also, when searching for dependencies of shared libraries, the linker
  will attempt to mimic the search order used by the dynamic linker,
  including DT_RPATH/DT_RUNPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH lookups.

  1. Prefix directories (if distinct from system directories):
  [native only] $(libdir)$(biarch_suffix)

  2. Toolchain directories:
  [native/cross] $(tooldir)/lib$(biarch_suffix)

  3. System directories:
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/usr/local/lib$(biarch_suffix)
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/usr/lib$(biarch_suffix)
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/lib$(biarch_suffix)

  4. Non-biarch directories (if distinct from the above)
  [native only] $(libdir)
  [native/cross] $(tooldir)/lib
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/usr/local/lib
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/usr/lib
  [native/sysroot] $(sysroot)/lib

== Multiarch impact on the toolchain ==

The current multiarch proposal is to move the system library directories
to a new path including the GNU target triplet, that is, instead of using
the system library directories are now called

At this point, there is no provision for multiarch executable or header file

What are the effects of this renaming on the toolchain, following the
discussion above?

* ELF interpreter

  The ELF interpreter would now reside in a new location, e.g.
  This allows interpreters for different architectures to be installed
  simultaneously, and removes the need for the various bi-arch hacks.

  Change would imply modification of the GCC back-end, and possibly
  the binutils ld default as well (even though that's currently not
  normally used), to build new executables using the new ELF
  interpreter install path.


  Any executable built with the new ELF interpreter will absolutely
  not run on a system that does not provide the multiarch install
  location of the interpreter.  (This is probably OK.)

  Executables built with the old ELF interpreter will not run on a
  system that *only* provides the multiarch install location.  This
  is clearly *not* OK.  To provide backwards compatibility, even a
  multiarch-capable system will need to install ELF interpreters
  at the old locations as well, possibly via symlinks.  (Note that
  any given system can only be compatible in this way with *one*
  architecture, except for lucky circumstances.)

  As the multiarch string $(multiarch) is now embedded into each and
  every executable file, it becomes invariant part of the platform
  ABI, and needs to be strictly standardized.  GNU target triplets
  as used today in general seem to provide too much flexibility and
  underspecified components to serve in such a role, at least without
  some additional requirements.

* Shared library search paths

  According to the primary multiarch assumption, the system library
  search paths are modified to include the multiarch target string:
   * /lib/$(multiarch)
   * /usr/lib/$(multiarch)

  This requires modifications to glibc's ld.so loader (can possibly
  be provided via platform back-end changes).

  Backwards compatibility most likely requires that both the new
  multiarch location and the old location are searched.

  Open questions:

  + How are -rpath encoded paths to be handled?
  Option A: They are used by ld.so as-is.  This implies that in a
  fully multiarch system, every *user* of -rpath needs to update
  their paths to include the multiarch target.  Also, multiarch
  targets are once again directly embedded into exectuables.
  Option B: ld.so automatically appends the multiarch target string
  to the path as encoded in DT_RPATH/DT_RUNPATH.  This may break
  backwards compatibility.
  Option C: ld.so searches both the -rpath as is, and also with
  multiarch target string appended.

  + How is LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be handled?
  The options here are basically analogous to the -rpath case.

  + What is the interaction between the multiarch string and capability
    suffixes (hwcaps etc.) supported by ld.so?
  The most straightforward option seems to be to just leave the capability
  mechanism unchanged, that is, ld.so would continue to append the
  capabitility suffixes to all directory search paths (which potentially
  already include a multiarch suffix).  This implies that different
  ABI-compatible but capability-optimized versions of a library share
  the same multiarch prefix, but use different capability suffixes.

* GCC and toolchain directory paths

  The core multiarch spec only refers to system directories.  What
  about directories provided by GCC and the toolchain?  Note that for
  a cross-development setup, we may have various combinations of host
  and target architectures.  In this case $(host-multiarch) refers to the
  multiarch identifier for the host architecture, while $(target-multiarch)
  refers to the one for the target architecture.  In addition $(target)
  refers to the GNU target triplet as currently used by GCC paths
  (which may or may not be equal to $(target-multiarch), depending on
  how the latter will end up being standardized).

  + GCC private directories

  The GCC default installation already distinguishes files that are
  independent of the host architecture (in /usr/lib/gcc) from those that
  are dependent on the host architecture (in /usr/libexec/gcc).  In both
  cases, the target architecture is already explicitly encoded in the
  path namess.  Thus it would appear that we'd simply have to move the
  libexec paths to include the multiarch string in a straightforward
  manner in order:

  This assumes that two cross-compilers to the same target running on
  different hosts can share /usr/lib/gcc, which may not be fully possible
  (because two cross-compilers may build slightly different versions of
  target libraries due to optimization differences).  In this case, the
  whole of /usr/lib/gcc could be moved to multiarch as well:

  The alternative would be to package them separately, with the host
  independent files always coming from the same package (presumbly itself
  produced on a native system, or else one "master" host system).

  Note that if -in the first stage of multiarch- we do not support
  parallel installation of *binaries*, we may not need to do anything
  for the GCC directories.

  + Toolchain directories

  The /usr/$(target) directory used by various toolchain components is
  somewhat of a mixture of target vs. host dependent files:
      executable files in host architecture, targeting target architecture
      (e.g. cross-assembler, cross-linker binaries)
      target headers (only for cross-builds)
      native toolchain header files for target (like bfd.h)
      target libraries + native toolchain libraries for target (like libbfd.a)
      linker scripts used by the cross-linker

  In a full multiarch setup, the only directory that would require the
  multiarch suffix is probably bin:

  As discussed above, if we want to support different versions of target
  libraries for the same target, as compiled with differently hosted
  cross-compilers, we might also have to multiarch the lib directory:

  Yet another option might be to require multiarch systems to always
  use the sysroot cross-compile option, and not support the toolchain
  directory for target libraries in the first place.  [Or at least,
  have no distribution package ever install any target library into
  the toolchain lib directory ...]

  + System directories

  For these, the primary multiarch rules would apply.  In a sysroot
  configuration, the sysroot prefix is applied as usual (after the
  multiarch paths have been determined as for a native system).  Note
  that we need to apply the *target* multiarch string here; in case
  this is different from the target triplet, the toolchain would have
  to have explicit knowledge of those names:

  + Prefix directories

  For completeness' sake, we need to define how prefix directories are
  handled in a GCC build that is both multiarch enabled *and* not installed
  into the system prefix.  The most straightforward solution would be to
  apply multiarch suffixes to the prefix directories as well:
    $(prefix)/include/$(target-multiarch)  [ if include is multiarch'ed ... ]

* Multiarch and cross-compilation

  Using the paths as discussed in the previous section, we have some
  options how to perform cross-compilation on a multiarch system.

  The most obvious option is to build a cross-compiler with sysroot
  equal to "/".  This means that the compiler will use target libraries
  and header files as installed by unmodified distribution multiarch
  packages for the target architecture.  This should ideally be the
  default cross-compilation setup on a multi-arch system.

  In addition, it is still possible to build cross-compilers with a
  different sysroot, which may be useful if you want to install
  target libraries you build yourself into a non-system directory
  (and do not want to require root access for doing so).


  + Should we still support "traditional" cross-compilation using
    the toolchain directory to hold target libraries/header

  This is probably no longer really useful.  On the other hand, it
  probably doesn't really hurt either ...

  + What about header files in a multiarch system?

  The current multiarch spec does not provide for multiple locations
  for header files.  This works only if headers are identical across
  all targets.  This is usually true, and where it isn't, can be
  enforced by use of conditional compilation.  In fact, the latter
  is how things currently work on traditional bi-arch distributions.

  In the alternative, the toolchain could also provide for multiarch'ed
  header directories along the lines of
  which are included in addition to (and before) the usual directories.

  It will most likely not be necessary to do this for the GCC and
  toolchain directory include paths, as they are already target-specific.

* Multiarch and multilib

  The multilib mechanism provides a way to support multiple incompatible
  ABI versions on the same ISA.  In a multiarch world, this is supposed
  to be handled by different multiarch prefixes, to enable use of the
  package management system to handle libraries for all those variants.
  How can we reconcile the two systems?

  It would appear that the way forward is based on the existing "OS
  multilib suffix" mechanism.  GCC already expects to need to handle
  naming conventions provided by the OS for where incompatible versions
  are to found.

  In a multiarch system, the straightforward solution would appear to
  be to use the multiarch names as-is as OS multilib suffixes.  In fact,
  this could even handle the *default* multiarch name without requiring
  any further changes to GCC.

  For example, in a bi-arch amd64 setup, the GCC back-end might register
  "x86_64-linux" as default OS multilib suffix, and "i386-linux" as OS
  multilib suffix triggered by the (ABI changing) -m32 option.  Without
  any further change, GCC would now search
  as appropriate, depending on the command line options used.  (This
  assumes that the main libdir is /usr/lib, i.e. no bi-arch configure
  options were used.)

  Note that GCC would still use its own internal multilib suffixes
  for its private libraries, but that seems to be OK.

  Caveat: This would imply those multilib names, and their association
  with compiler options, becomes hard-coded in the GCC back-end.
  However, this seems to have already been necessary (see above).

== Summary ==

>From the preceding discussion, it would appear a multiarch setup allowing
parallel installation of run-time libraries and development packages, and
thus providing support for running binaries of different native ISAs and
ABI variants as well as cross-compilation, might be feasible by implementing
the following set of changes.  Note that parallel installation of main
*executable* files by multiarch packages is not (yet) supported.

* Define well-known multiarch suffix names for each supported ISA/ABI
  combination.  Well-known in particular means it is allowed for them
  to be hard-coded in toolchain source files, as well as in executable
  files and libraries built by such a toolchain.

* Change GCC back-ends to use the well-known multiarch suffix as OS
  multilib suffix, depending on target and ABI-changing options.  Also
  include multiarch suffix in ELF interpreter name passed to ld.
  (Probably need to change ld default directory search paths as well.)

* Change the dynamic loader ld.so to optionally append the multiarch suffix
  (as a constant string pre-determined at ld.so build time) after each
  directory search path, before further appending capability suffixes.
  (See above as to open questions about -rpath and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.)

* Change package build/install rules to install libraries and ld.so
  into multiarch library directories (not covered in this document).
  Change system installation to provide for backward-compatibility
  fallbacks (e.g. symbolic links to the ELF interpreter).

* If capability-optimized ISA/ABI-compatible library variants are desired,
  they can be build just as today, only under the (same) multiarch
  suffix.  They could be packaged either within a single pacakge,
  or else using multiple packages (of the same multiarch type).

* Enforce platform-independent header files across all packages. (In
  the alternative, provide for multiarch include paths in GCC.)

* Build cross-compiler packages with --with-sysroot=/

I'd appreciate any feedback or comments!  Have I missed something?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best Regards

Ulrich Weigand

  Dr. Ulrich Weigand | Phone: +49-7031/16-3727
  STSM, GNU compiler and toolchain for Linux on System z and Cell/B.E.
  IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH
  Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter | Geschäftsführung: Dirk
  Sitz der Gesellschaft: Böblingen | Registergericht: Amtsgericht
Stuttgart, HRB 243294

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