Hi All,

I am writing today to declare my candidacy for the Select Board seat being 
vacated by James Craig, which will be for a three year term. I thank James for 
his many years of service to the town, and I respectfully ask for your support 
at the town election on Monday, March 28th, as I seek to continue my service to 
Lincoln in a new capacity.

If elected, it would be a bit too much for me to continue to serve in my 
current role as Chair of the Board of Water Commissioners, so I am also 
announcing my resignation from the Commission, effective at the end of our 
Annual Town Meeting in March. I encourage interested residents to run for this 
Water Commission seat. Don't be shy - the new Water Superintendent is 
fantastic! I also note that if elected to the Select Board, I will offer to be 
the liaison to the Water Commission and do what I can to help continue our good 
progress on the work there to strengthen the Water Department and to 
successfully complete the needed updates to our water infrastructure.

My wife Anne and I have lived in Lincoln for 22 years, and I've had the 
pleasure getting to know many of you while serving on a number of town 
committees. I was the Treasurer of Codman Farms for three years, a member of 
the Finance Committee for seven years (as Chair for two of those years), have 
been on the Green Energy Committee for eight years, and on the  Water 
Commission for two. In addition, I have had various liaison duties such as 
helping with the Power Purchase Agreement Subcommittee in charge of getting 
solar PV panels installed next year on our newly renovated school. I enjoy 
keeping tabs on what is going on in town by serving in these positions, and I 
am perennially refreshed by the humor, intelligence, and thoughtfulness of my 
fellow volunteers and town staff with whom I've worked.

Some of you who know me may believe that I am only interested in the finance 
aspects of issues, and have found that the best way to communicate with me is 
via a well-constructed spreadsheet. My career was in finance as a portfolio 
manager and a small business owner, and I'll admit to believing that there is 
an important cost-benefit analysis at the heart of many of the issues that we 
face. If elected I will offer my assistance and leadership on any such analyses 
needed for the Town. I have worked extensively with Town Administrator Tim 
Higgins and Select Board members Jennifer Glass and Jonathan Dwyer in the past, 
and expect to need only occasional arm wrestling matches with them to divvy up 
and collaborate on the work of the Select Board. More generally, I hope to help 
the Select Board ensure that residents have all of the information they need to 
make important decisions, such as whether to proceed with building a new 
Community Center, or what should happen next regarding South Lincoln 

But it is not just about having the information ready for Town Meeting and 
counting your votes. If we learned anything from the School Building Project, 
it was that residents need to be more involved while we develop the proposed 
solutions to our issues. I've been happy to see Town leadership encourage more 
inclusive processes in recent years, and I'd like to help continue that 
evolution, to see what we can do to make resident participation more 
convenient, productive, and enjoyable for a broader group of people. I believe 
this has already been happening to some extent. Our pandemic-induced switch to 
Zoom meetings for example, has made it easier for many folks to attend 
meetings. I'd like to continue to pursue new tools and approaches that will 
bring even more people to town and committee discussions. After all, what is 
more important to the Select Board than trying to ensure that we identify and 
pursue the issues and solutions most favored and important to you, the 

Jim Hutchinson

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