Dear fellow Lincolnites:

I am writing to announce that I will not be seeking re-election to the
Select Board this March.  Even after six busy years, untold number of
meetings (in person and virtual) and continuously adapting to the ongoing
global pandemic, this was not an easy decision.  I have been truly fortunate
for the past five years to serve with two terrific colleagues in Jennifer
Glass and Jonathan Dwyer, and I will dearly miss working alongside them to
address the issues of our Town.  I also cannot say enough about, nor will I
be able to fully thank our dedicated and professional town staff, including
Tim Higgins, our Town Administrator, Dan Pereira, our Assistant Town
Administrator, and Peggy Elder, our Administrative Assistant, and many
others with whom I have had the pleasure of working over these years. 

During my two terms on the Board, it has been a privilege to work on
important Town issues such as the School Building Project, addressing
affordable housing needs with the Oriole Landing project, chairing the
Town's Housing Trust, integrating the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum
with The Trustees of Reservations, launching what is now called the Bicycle
and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, developing our Town's policies related to
the legalization of marijuana in Massachusetts, and currently, participating
as the Select Board's representative to the Planning Board's South Lincoln
Planning and Advisory Committee, which is evaluating the feasibility and
Town's desire for potential zoning changes in the Lincoln Station Area.

I would also like to express special thanks to Peter Braun and Renel
Fredriksen with whom I served (and learned a great deal) during my first
year on the Board, as well as the wonderful advice and support I have
received over the years from former Select Board members including, Noah
Eckhouse, Sarah Cannon Holden, Gary Taylor, and Sara Mattes.  

Finally, to all of you who volunteer and serve the Town on various boards
and committees-- Thank you! It is this spirit of service which truly makes
Lincoln such a special place. 

Happy New Year to everyone and here's hoping for a healthy, safe and
(somewhat more) Covid-free 2022!

James Craig




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