I don’t disagree that the person has the right to speak. That is correct. I
also agree that this conversation on LT is giving oxygen to a subject that
most (notice I’m not saying all) find abhorrent.

Whether he has the right to speak at Bemis based on the rules for the
facility is another matter. Who is the Lincoln person and/or group who set
this up? If that person or group is from Lincoln then once again probably
‘fine’. The rules are the rules.

The problem seems to be that something was booked under  possibly spurious
circumstances and Bemis/Lincoln conveys a legitimacy that booking a
conference room at a Marriott or a setting up in a dirt patch in the middle
of a field doesn’t.

On Wednesday, May 4, 2022, Richard Panetta <richardpane...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As stated the man has a right to speak, whether any of us agree or not.
> Just because we don’t agree with his views it shouldn’t restrict him. I
> highly doubt there will be any issues
> If people truly have an issue or need to know more info contact the town.
> It really doesn’t need to be discussed here as nothing can be done here
> Just my thought
> On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 7:09 PM Louis Zipes <louiszi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Note that the rules for a Bemis Hall Rental highlight the following:
>> *It is the policy of the Board of Selectmen* that Bemis Hall be available
>> as a community resource for Lincoln based organizations and Lincoln
>> residents. *
>> ***outdated language but still in the .pdf
>> Full regulations are found at:
>> http://www.lincolntown.org/DocumentCenter/View/10187/FEES-AN
>> *So is this organization or person sponsoring it from Lincoln or
>> represents a Lincoln Organization?* Also, this could be a big time sh*t
>> show as it is unclear where it is being advertised so is the police
>> department aware of this and planning accordingly?
>> --
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